[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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u dont like it?
welcome to the game mang
did u get a chance to read? its only day 1 btw lol
Just subscribed lol ! Didn't wanted to play this game , but noticed that Host was frequently asking for new sub ! Decided to join in to help as fellow host.

Yeah it's D1 , good activity but not for subbed one...Will have to read all this.
And my ToS game is next
There are 25 players in this game. Misty's doc claim isn't that meaningful as there's bound to be more than one protect role just based on the numbers. We can't simply let her go for her claim especially if there's reason to believe that she's lying. Those reasons being our reads. She's been read as scum for her thread-play and even after her claim she's only continued to do suspicious things. Reads >> claims. It's silly to let someone go just over a doc claim. Anybody could claim doc.
See my dear drago that thinking is where you are wrong. Regardless if your reads are scum (btw on a D1 with no info read) claim still have value. If not why having claiming? You can’t ignore such a thing. Also a lynch on either side for uwu or misty is beneficial because a lynch gives you even more reads. But I’d take a player that’s scummy without a protect role then one that’s scummy with a protective role.
U of all ppl should be pushing for info lynches considering we've always been on same wavelength regarding that, why are u now playing like this
broki I think you misread that post. It wasn’t the mislymch it was vigging a player based on his read on a mislynch because he said kill me if that person flipped town.
u still have to explain why i dont look great so far
I've already discussed that plenty enough. I don't think you vs Fuji was tvt and I'm going to believe Fuji's claim for now. I don't actually think you've done a lot of game solving, but instead of tried to clear and suss players based on flavor, examples Conq and UWU. I don't like how you're asking everyone to trust you on your TMI considering I already said that there being six nobles in this game makes not easy for scum to go and cozy into that area for a claim. Despite me making an earlier cause on Misty, I felt you were somewhat opportunistic joining her wagon. And I also it somewhat curious that after you and Fuji get called out for Wolf theatre, as well as you getting called out for your 'lack of being the center of attention when Town' you respectively dropped your case against Fuji and also ramped up your activity like crazy. There's nothing that's really giving me a Town vibe from you right now.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
How the fuck is he scum for just doing nothing but flavor? Rej has done the same thing this game, and past games, and he's been Town. There is so much mortgage scummy play in this game dude.
one of uwu/rej/tris or more is not town, whether u like it or not
it makes no sense for ppl with flavor to just coast it out and not use flavor to help solve game
just like u r willing to go after new players, u shud be willing to go after non contributive flavor players cuz its a playstyle that cannot be allowed to exist rn in a game where flavor knowledge might be needed down the line

It's quite difficult to say but I'll go with Usopp. That's who my vote is on right now.
thats outright game throwing if ur town, and stupid if ur scum
one of uwu/rej/tris or more is not town, whether u like it or not
it makes no sense for ppl with flavor to just coast it out and not use flavor to help solve game
just like u r willing to go after new players, u shud be willing to go after non contributive flavor players cuz its a playstyle that cannot be allowed to exist rn in a game where flavor knowledge might be needed down the line

thats outright game throwing if ur town, and stupid if ur scum
But Ekko, there are scummy players via game play. You'll have to excuse me for not hopping into the flavor train for my first lynch of the game.
Ekko can we put us on a break until D2? I feel like you're probably not going to be lynched here and right now this is mucking up the shit that actually needs to be discussed. I'm more than happy to pick this up when D2 begins and we have a couple of flips.


See my dear drago that thinking is where you are wrong. Regardless if your reads are scum (btw on a D1 with no info read) claim still have value. If not why having claiming? You can’t ignore such a thing. Also a lynch on either side for uwu or misty is beneficial because a lynch gives you even more reads. But I’d take a player that’s scummy without a protect role then one that’s scummy with a protective role.
Of course, we can't ignore claims but I'm not going to ignore my own reads cause some has claimed a somewhat important role. Fake claims exist and who knows if the good guys aren't scum? That's definitely possible considering how large the pool of characters is to choose from. Claiming in this game is not worth much. This isn't a vanilla setup where a doc claim has merit. Anybody can claim doctor.

UwU is now claiming to be the vig and a strong one. Would you still take him over Misty?
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