[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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I will never forgive Oda
Ekko, Hayumi, and UB are all Vigs with conditions. I don't know how I necessarily feel about that?
And TPein shot Ali, so this all seems odd.

Hayumi particular being vig and miller... That's odd. But ThisAncientCenturion thinks we've got a good slot of anti-townies rn. ThisAncientCenturion trusts Usopp the least.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Cool Dr. Prof, cool. ThisAncientCenturion likes that.


ThisAncientCenturion says Rej if we trust Tpein, THisAncientCenturion will invest Usopp tonight.

[vote lynch Rej] @Flower @Lindltaylor
u rly shudnt invest me with bus drives in the game, ur not making sense
can u not see aether probably was drived off u to misty or redirected

ur also a flavor cop, u wont even get my alignment
such a waste

u do u i guess
I already asked her earlier so it's already too late I guess. Tbh, regardless, Misty's answer tells me her alignment anyway cause I'm completely the option that she was protected by somebody else out the window. There's just no way. Cause why would anybody protect Misty out of all these confirmed townies? Makes no sense.
Unless Nick did something. He was Town reading her.
And TPein shot Ali, so this all seems odd.

Hayumi particular being vig and miller... That's odd. But ThisAncientCenturion thinks we've got a good slot of anti-townies rn. ThisAncientCenturion trusts Usopp the least.
Where did Tpein claim that he shot Ali? I thought that was what UB hinted at doing.

Ekko just doesn't sit well with me. He's claimed now which is something to consider. I will not ever read him Town this game. I think that between Ali, Tpein, and Rej, there's for sure a Wolf or two in that group. We'll see after those flips of it makes sense for Ekko to be part of whatever team flips.
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