
*Need Redon to confirm*


Better Google Translate :

Title : mighty fire

- Louffy and Momo Norusuke are on their way to the roof.

- Yamato is known injured but determined

- Sanji is new technology. The fire sparkles

- KING a powerful fire technique of his race

- Zoro against with 1080 phoenix merged Homurasaki
So zoro can now send flying flaming slashes:crazwhat:
*Need Redon to confirm*


Better Google Translate :

Title : mighty fire

- Louffy and Momo Norusuke are on their way to the roof.

- Yamato is known injured but determined

- Sanji is new technology. The fire sparkles

- KING a powerful fire technique of his race

- Zoro against with 1080 phoenix merged Homurasaki
so nothing new?

I hope this is fake
Ok not sure about it, that's what they sent me, Redon will confirm.


강한 불

- 루피와 모모노스케는 오니가시마의 옥상으로 향한다.

- Yamato는 부상을 당해 더 이상 일어서지 못하지만 놓지 말라고 말합니다.

- Sanji는 새로운 기술을 사용합니다(제공자는 이름을 말하지 않음). 그의 불꽃은 더욱 빛나기 시작합니다.

- 킹은 화염 공격을 사용합니다(제공자는 이름을 말하지 않았습니다)

- 자신의 호무라사키 스타일과 병합된 1080파운드의 봉황을 보내 조로 카운터


Google translate :

Title : strong fire

- Norupy and Momo Norusuke are loop-locked.

- Yamato is known to be no longer valid.

- Sanji uses new technology. We start to offer more.

- KING enjoys privileges.

- Naming Homura of the castle and penetrating the phoenix of 1080 palace.
Better translation.

strong fire

- Luffy and Momonosuke head to the rooftop of Onigashima.

- Yamato is injured and can no longer stand, but tells him not to let go.

- Sanji uses new technology (provider does not say name). His flame begins to shine even brighter.

- King uses fire attack (provider didn't say name)

- Counter Zoro by sending 1080 pounds of phoenix merged with his Homurasaki style

Don't know if the spoiler is legit.
@Paperchampion23 what's this chapter about in your opinion :hope:
Probably the hints given lol:

- 100% Yamato and Kaido, to whatever it entails
- Seems some Zoro vs King, connection to his swords/breath of all things, unless it's not specifically Zoro related
- Inu vs Jack (to some degree); unless Lebrent is BSing

Seems like a highly transitional chapter (i.e. no enemy defeated yet) and seems only partially (or not focused at all) on Zoro vs King. Plus, King isn't going down before Queen. So we know this chapter won't lead to anything but his Hybrid or something, if it does.