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Sooooooo, what are the chances of WW3 actually happening now? I have massive anxiety for this shit. Please dont give BS anwsers
realisticaly pretty low.
Every country is deeply connected to nearly every other country, by politics, by resources, by trading... the World is globalized, nobody with brain would destroy the tree they are sitting on.
The vice president of iran was assassinated it think
it was no Vice President, it was a general. Still, Iran is not big or important enough to get the whole world in trouble.
Hmm this is bothersome :believe:
It seems he was the leader of the army
Still; the Iran is way to small to do anything. When they bother with a state like the USA, nobody will interfere.

as Long as the „Big Four“ (China, Europe, USA, Russia) of our time doesn’t start a war between each other, they won’t be something like a world war.

Move here:
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