Zoro vs Kamazo
Zoro vs King
Zoro vs Killer
Zoro vs Shiryu
Zoro vs Fujitora
Zoro vs Mihawk


Zoro vs Kamazo
Zoro vs King
Zoro vs Killer
Zoro vs Shiryu
Zoro vs Mihawk
Zoro vs Borsalino

The 2nd seems more likely to me but the possibility of the samurai Gorosei would be a gamechanger too :goyea:
Killer is too busy carrying Kid Pirates. I don't think he has time to fight anymore
I had some thoughts about it but that really depends on Kidd-Killer childhood and backstory.
We only saw them on the pirate business but in Sabaody (ch. 500) they showed their hate and disdain for the Celestial Dragons and the World Governament, I'm assuming there's a reason for it.
If we gotta go with the wild guess I'd say:
Kidd vs Kong
Killer vs CP0 top assassin or one of the most skilled Gorosei (even tho that's more Revos business)

I'd like it a lot tbh
Maybe with Law against Beckman
The future is bright for Kid and Killer fans. Wano is just the beginning