Is TACy a she or a he?

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Like I said, if Oda really makes this happen he will ruin his reputation as GODA. And people including me will be salty about this.
Well people said the same about Yamato lasting this long and fighting on par with Kaido.
Momo is 28yr now aged and have an op sword for him, all this trainsformation isnt just for show lol.
And yeah Oda will make some people salty, no problem with that, he does that all the time. :arnoling:
Big mom is still protected by the plot :seriously:

Imagine being a yonko and getting a power up even without fighting a hard battle.
Imagine the opponent of said yonko is currently getting nerfed.

Please somebody kill that hag.

Sasaki Kojirō

If kaido is in dragon form, (of course he is), so we can have a nice dragon fight, but if he remains in his dragon form even after facing luffy and yamato, kaido when he returns to hybrid will use the awakening, awake hybrid.:hope:
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