i'd like to dance more but im busy so gave everything i know, will rephrase/summerize again
> i am escort, attempted to roleblock don n1
> my action failed, and i was also transponded
> i asked if don targeted anyone, he said: no
> my action either failed because :
---- 1) i was rb'ed
---- OR
-----2) don is immune to rb
lets explore option 1:
> we know i was transponded with AL, so if someone roleblocked me, they must've tried to roleblock AL
> i asked if any townie other than the transponder targeted AL, and none said they did. so no escort rb'ed him
> nick is an escort and claims controlled. could be forced to target AL. its a possilibity
> anothe possibility is mafia consort targeting AL
conclusion: if witch controlled nick to AL, or consort targeted AL, then i would be roleblocked and my action would fail, meaning don could be saying the truth (but his reaction says otherwise)
lets explore option 2:
> if none targeted AL with a roleblock whatsoever, then don is simply immune to roleblocks
> all roles immune to roleblocks have night actions, so don is lying about having not targeting anyone
> meaning don is witch or consort thats lying. he might've roleblocked AL so knows that i shud be roleblocked.
conclusion: don is witch/consort and should be yeeted today if we think none targeted AL. his reactions and gameplay makes this even more likely.