Is TACy a she or a he?

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You do not need to ban dirty Larry just don’t allow him to post in summaries like you guys did to me

This should be the solution. No need for everyone to lose their minds over it. If they ban him, it will be a very bad move.

Now back to topic. Zoro mid diffs Sanji, Yamato mid diffs Sanji as well.
Luffy Zoro Yamato

Jinbei Sanji
Robin Brook Franky

My 2 cents while I continute to watch the circus catching fire.
- Yamato is stated as a woman by the Vivre Card. When Momo asks her name, she says "I am Yamato", not "I am Oden". Very important to notice that Yamato KNOWS that she's YAMATO, not Oden.
- Considering the traumatic life Yamato had, willing to impersonate some other character, in some kind of defense mechanism, is not something unusual. Or did you all forget about Sogeking? The difference is that, here, Yamato chooses to impersonate someone of different sex.
- We barely know anything about Kaido as a character. Or he has going for him is the "strongboy" thing. We lack information to know why he indulges Yamato's idea of "becoming" Oden. Is it out of respect? Is it out of spite? Imagine if we had development for Kaido during the arc instead of panels of 4Tricks and Hamlet. Wouldn't it be something?
- Oda's not really the most "woke" dude ever. Just see that every "non-straight" character is basically a sex deviant. (the entire Kamabakka Kingdom forcefully trying to turn Sanji into an Okama and bringing sexual innuendos at every or so line of dialogue, etc). So there's a great chance that Oda indeed wants to make Yamato a trans-male, but he doesn't fully understand what it actually means and goes for some oversimplification of "he just says he's a man as Oden, so it makes him a trans-male. Easy, ggwp".
- This last point becomes less likely when we have a character like Kiku, that CLEARLY says she views herself as female in heart, dresses in more feminine clothing, etc. She doesn't do it because she wants to imitate some random woman she admires. She does it because she identifies as a woman and that's it. Not the same thing as Yamato. Yamato identifying as a "man" is entirely tied to Yamato trying to impersonate Oden. If Oden was a potato, Yamato would be screaming she was a potato as well. I think it's plain disrespectful trying to say that this is the same thing as Kiku's case with the current information we possess.
- Lastly, Yamato is joining and is not dropping the Oden act anytime soon. Get used to it.
She should either be dropping or twisting it by the time that the war is over. This is definitely not something she will get over while fighting a demon dragon that is also her father:kayneshrug:
Thats not respect or personal opinion thing .. thats just you cant do shit anything about it as long as using mods as your guard dogs and start a ruckus out of nothing..
fortunately we have mods here
so sit tight .
every spoiler posted in the summary thread is from confirmed sources in the way and manner they posted their information.
if you want to add remove details , they have the right to say "hey thats not what I said "
"if you are going to quote me
quote exactly what I said. "

find a source that wants you to paraphrase what they said , its not hard . its clear this particular one doesnt.
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