Is TACy a she or a he?

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Bald Spoiler Provider
things are very simple....yamato is a woman by gender.....she wants to be like Oden and calls herself "he" because Oden is a "he".....Kaido refers Yamato as "he" because shogun shouldn't be "she"....

Bottomline: Yamato is a "she" scientifically but she emulates Oden who happens to be "he"............

People are making unnecessary complications...
So is yamatoe he or she



The Rogue Prince
The problem is that the cat is indeed white:luuh:
Nobody gives a shit if a random spoiler provider calls it black or pink or whatever instead of white.

Why do you all feel the need to correct someone so badly over this? Are yall so pressed about this gender thing? What makes yall different from the very SJWs on twitter that you despise so badly then?

If I wrote „the cat is a black“.
And you write:
„The cat is white, source by Pantheos“.

This is an issue. If you use a source, use the info of this source. If you don’t have a source, you don’t have info, except you are the source.
"But muh gender arguments Lance started it!"

Seriously, how can people not process the difference. I question the age and brain development of some people here.
This could very well also be the case. I just think the Hakai feat and Asura feat edges Zoro forward. His AP is quite insane even though he didn't consciously use adcoc
Yeah. in my opinion especially hakkai and the flying dragon blaze are the 2 point that give probably the edge for Zoro.
I mean there arent many player in One Piece to have this 2 feat. I am sure this are feat that define only for the top tier players.
Then let KNOWN users like @KINGKONGGUN15 and @Bango🍅 and others (such as @PuckTheGreat and other translators) have access because they reliably post pics, imgur links and update spoilers via translations.

The list can be 10-20 people who actually are useful in that thread. It shouldn't be open to 2000 people on a weekly basis.
I agree with this what do you think @Pantheos ?
DirtyLarry was really thread banned LMAO.

Long live the totalitarianism👍

Larry literally offered an alternative so Redon can keep pushing the agenda, but guess a question of having a big ego right?

Diversity is asked. Let Larry post the summary in his own words with the she/her pronouns of Yamato.

And keep Redon doing his stuff

Where is now the exact problem🤦‍♂️
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