Is TACy a she or a he?

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Stop it with the suicide glorification you idiots!!!

as someone who has been dealing with depression and suicidal ideation for the past 10 years (never tried it tho, i don't think i ever will), that's not glorification at all and i see no problem with that, it's pretty funny


i find it funny how some people think we shouldn't "normalize" or joke about suicide for little things, but people have no idea how is the little things after a huge accumulation of bad shit that makes someone take the final step

this type of joke is just funny tbh
He's just trying to lump Zoro with Sanji just shows his bias. Either Zoro and Sanji are stronger than Yamato or they are weaker than Yamato. There's no in between:suresure:

I wonder how long Sanji fans will continue to hype Yamato before they turn their backs on her.

Yamato might not be stronger than Zoro but she is several tiers above Sanji:steef:
yeah kinda if sanji can't then zoro can't but if zoro can then sanji can lol. it doesn't work like that and that's why it's the ultimate proof that zoro is zoro and sanji is sanji.

he was think ashura will knock kaido down

and that was zoro's fans always do, make excuses about zoro hungry, distracted, poor condition. again the battle is one last man standing, the one who overcomes those excuse will come out as winner, take a look at luffy agaisnt katakuri, he is hungry, get disctracted and in poor condition and still come out win. that's why luffy is MC lol
Zoro wasn't trying to knocked Kaido down. He knocked them down his dragon twister. He was trying to take them out.

Do you realize you are going in one big circle? Zoro beat Killer. He was the last man standing. He was standing over his body and then moved on to face the fox who forfeited the battle.

I get it, you have nothing to counter my post so now you just say whatever you can think of. Right now, nobody has defeated Kaido. Luffy has lost him three times. But you are probably going to make an excuse for Luffy because he's not Zoro.
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