General & Others The problem with strawhats and how Oda's obsession with Luffy is ruining the cast

One piece is centers around Luffy to the point now he is now a "chosen one" character. Luffy is always gonna be number 1 at the cost of any other character. Prime example is mf just think about it. Luffy was one of the weakest characters there outside of fodder yet:
- he could stand shoulder to shoulder with WB
- 3 admirals right in front of him couldn't take him out
- kizaru kicking Luffy 3 times did basically nothing
- mihawk couldn't hit him and the 1 time he did it did no damage
- he spear headed the wb pirates despite being a fodder compared to the crew at the time
- law came out of right Field as probably the only doctor that could save luffy's life
Etc. Overall love MF but if on the biggest scale the weakest version of Luffy still shined as bright as anyone cuz the story will not let it be another way. There's nothing wrong with this but if you are going to keep reading op especially after it's time skip you need to understand Luffy takes the 1 2 and 3 spot in op.
Have you noticed how every character loses their personality when they become friends with luffy?? They stop talking about their own dreams.. I don't even remember when was the last time zoro or nami or robin talked about their own motivation. Oda has time to show luffy shouting he is gonna be pirate king every 10 chapters, but doesn't have time showing nami or robin doing their own things in 1 or 2 panel. Now all of them just keep shouting about luffy like mindless zombies. I mean believing in your bro is cool but now its too much.

Kid had grudge against luffy and kaido?? Doesn't matter now he acts like a tsundere girl for luffy and abandoned his revenge. Same for law.... Zoro probably forgot that he wants to be wss since he doesn't even talk about it. What is ussop even doing??!!

The main character having more focus is understandable but when the writer bends the story just for mc, it becomes annoying. It doesn't feel organic. The strawhats doesn't even seem like real people with their own personality now. This problem started after time skip but its got out of hand since wci
Zoro never been the tyoe to yell he strongest swordsman to everybody
Actually luffy is one of my favs...... I disliked luffy getting 2 commander fights in wci but sanji getting none. Thats when it started to click for me. There are some times when i post silly comments with agendas but this was not it...
LMAO the bold part give away ur zoro fanboyism in u :suresure:

u are hurt that zoro wont get any shine since luffy gonna beat kaido in wano and take the spot light as usual. so u simply bring out the so called sanji arc to justify u :milaugh: typical zoro fanboys. I can smell them from a mile away :beckmoji:

u cant fool anyone here :gonope: sry for being rude though :josad:
@samiul1995 dont pay any attention to these brain washed fanboys like Rayleigh-Sama .

what you said is absolutely right. Oda obsession over Luffy is getting really weird. I don’t know if Oda actually dreams about Luffy but I wouldn’t be surprised. Oda even sacrifices other characters development in order just to make Luffy look good. Not even Goku had that treatment.
This exactly^^
@samiul1995 Dont listen to brainless zombies.
Kid fighting big mom isn't making sense. At least he should have done some damage to kaido
he couldnt even damage kaido if he doesnt separate them. in fact the will all get killed if the two close again like on rooftop. kidd and law just being smart. they are unconciously working together to gaining same purpose. clearly kidd and law emphasized dozen times that they dont wanna cooperate or work under anyone, but at the battlefield they just become opportunist thus thats why they are working together so that things can goes easier than thinking about personal agenda and ends up fucked, they are learn from their past mistakes.

about sh dream, again it doesnt matter, luffy dream is basically connected with everyone, his dream is way way harder than any sh, so if they can make luffy pk, they will automatically get close to their dream, since they try to gain the hardest first.the almost impossible first.
and remember, everyone join in to help luffy to gain his dreams from the start. that's why it called one piece. one for all.
Oda obsession with Luffy is unreal and creepy. Luffy's character has nothing charming about. He is basically ace V2.

Somehow Oda forcefully portray Luffy as a very unique character that foreshadows thousand gods and legendaries. but in reader minds it is just a stupid selfish stubborn character with good heart.

Abilities is another thing. Luffy is a rubber man, having weakness with sword. Somehow he can copy skills from top antagonist and become a chosen one with hundreds irrelevant abilities. He also has passive aura that make others character stupid and lower their moral. Eg. Kata threw away his trident. Kid gave up Kaido.

I dont know why he won the popularity poll. Maybe there are many readers who will vote MC no matter what. And I believe most of counter argument from these reader is "because Luffy is the MC"
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I feel like when One Piece popularity peaked after SA during Luffy's solo adventure Oda figured the story only needs to focus on Luffy to work. The SHs have been degraded to a bunch of supporting characters among many others. Though at this point there are too many SHs and the scope of the arcs is too big to give them all a main role, One Piece is collapsing under its own weight.
Oda obsession with Luffy is unreal and creepy. Luffy's character has nothing charming about. He is basically ace V2.

Somehow Oda forcefully portray Luffy as a very unique character that foreshadows thousand gods and legendaries. but in reader minds it is just a stupid selfish stubborn character with good heart.

Abilities is another thing. Luffy is a rubber man, having weakness with sword. Somehow he can copy skills from top antagonist and become a chosen one with hundreds irrelevant abilities. He also has passive aura that make others character stupid and lower their moral. Eg. Kata threw away his trident. Kid gave up Kaido.

I dont know why he won the popularity poll. Maybe there are many readers who will vote MC no matter what. And I believe most of counter argument from these reader is "because Luffy is the MC"

someone who can't read or speedread


Talent is something you make bloom.
I would have made Luffy take the back seat on both Dressrosa and WCI.
Luffy would be trapped inside that tournament, while Zoro and Law would deal with the mess outside.
WCI would be a MUCH SHORTER arc, but it would be about the Zou SH's ALL getting taken to WCI. Sanji and Nami would take leading roles there and develop their relationship (love or no love). Sanji wouldn't take down a commander. He would take down either Oven or Daifuku, and they would run with Jinbei's help. BM would not come in Wano. Sanji would realize he needs to get stronger because the Yonkos are not the only threats. The YC's are all monsters on their own and he needs to step up. That's when the Raid Suit comes into play.
I would delete Udon. Give more focus on the SH's exploring Wano, especially Zoro. Luffy gets taken, but we dont waste chapters and chapters with some cheap training montage in Udon. By the time Luffy gets rescued, the WCI SH's arrive in Wano, but the rescuing mission would be for the SH's that ALREADY were in Wano, with Zoro being acknowledged by the samurais there.

Put the other SH's on the driving seat for a change. I think it's amazing how Oda doesn't have faith on his own characters except Luffy to carry the story.
I would have made Luffy take the back seat on both Dressrosa and WCI.
Luffy would be trapped inside that tournament, while Zoro and Law would deal with the mess outside.
WCI would be a MUCH SHORTER arc, but it would be about the Zou SH's ALL getting taken to WCI. Sanji and Nami would take leading roles there and develop their relationship (love or no love). Sanji wouldn't take down a commander. He would take down either Oven or Daifuku, and they would run with Jinbei's help. BM would not come in Wano. Sanji would realize he needs to get stronger because the Yonkos are not the only threats. The YC's are all monsters on their own and he needs to step up. That's when the Raid Suit comes into play.
I would delete Udon. Give more focus on the SH's exploring Wano, especially Zoro. Luffy gets taken, but we dont waste chapters and chapters with some cheap training montage in Udon. By the time Luffy gets rescued, the WCI SH's arrive in Wano, but the rescuing mission would be for the SH's that ALREADY were in Wano, with Zoro being acknowledged by the samurais there.

Put the other SH's on the driving seat for a change. I think it's amazing how Oda doesn't have faith on his own characters except Luffy to carry the story.
0/5 writing.
I've seen more than 10 posts of you complaining oda this oda that, fanbase this fanbase that. do you know anything other than complaining?
winning this war means luffy becomes closer to becoming PK than he ever was. why would zoro talk about being WSS while fighting against 2 emperors(who dont care about WSS) and commanders(who dont care about it either)?
you dont remember zoro and nami telling there ambition? cool they dont talk about that because they dont need to do that. why would nami go around telling everyone that she's going to make a world map? there's no competition for her, no one she needs to surpass. Luffy literally has one bigass obstacle lurking right infront of him so ofcourse he's gonna say that. or are you salty that luffy is main character?
Salty OP stan
I would have made Luffy take the back seat on both Dressrosa and WCI.
Luffy would be trapped inside that tournament, while Zoro and Law would deal with the mess outside.
WCI would be a MUCH SHORTER arc, but it would be about the Zou SH's ALL getting taken to WCI. Sanji and Nami would take leading roles there and develop their relationship (love or no love). Sanji wouldn't take down a commander. He would take down either Oven or Daifuku, and they would run with Jinbei's help. BM would not come in Wano. Sanji would realize he needs to get stronger because the Yonkos are not the only threats. The YC's are all monsters on their own and he needs to step up. That's when the Raid Suit comes into play.
I would delete Udon. Give more focus on the SH's exploring Wano, especially Zoro. Luffy gets taken, but we dont waste chapters and chapters with some cheap training montage in Udon. By the time Luffy gets rescued, the WCI SH's arrive in Wano, but the rescuing mission would be for the SH's that ALREADY were in Wano, with Zoro being acknowledged by the samurais there.

Put the other SH's on the driving seat for a change. I think it's amazing how Oda doesn't have faith on his own characters except Luffy to carry the story.
let us Zoro, Law, Kid, Killer and everyone except Luffy defeat Kaido and in next arc, if elbaf, let Usopp take a lead and defeat BigMom (since BigMom didn't come to wano) and in final war, let everyone else except Luffy defeat world government or BBP....hurray since Luffy is captain anyways, he is pirate king....