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  • You man I'm glad to found ya one of my mangaspoilers comrades man those days Dragon vs Yonkos; Admirals vs Yonkos;
    When Ganja and the others didn't listen it was really fun back then idk 8 years or so we were weekly in this site are there more here in WG ?
    Do you know that ?
    No I asked him he said its someone else though its writing art reminds me of him

    I actually searched for you guys on various platforms but didnt found a thing good man it was the most fun I had I admit it though I May crazy like this since back then nothing changed I'm glad I found one you though its a pity the mod didnt contuine the site
    ah i see.yea i already notice you from the start since you have some unique username but i still doubt it was really you lol, last thing i remembered you are at ms, y're still doing your exam.really bad thing for us the MS admin shut down the site without any notification right. remember when some ppl there say coc only for fodders lol how time really flies.
    Likes: kom5
    Life is a exam xD yeah with you guys I didnt needed other platforms we were unlimited there trash talk, fun talk, trolling and so on really since the great war in MF we weekly commented on that man dude I miss you guys glad found one of you again
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