[FNZ] Light game Phineas And Ferb

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The JoJo game with you is the most wrong I’ve been about someone. I’ll admit it also probably had me unnecessarily sussing you D1 of the Genshin game. But this game really does give real flashback vibes rn so I want all of this on record and I want everyone to comment on it lol.


Zoro Worshipper
My vote isn’t leaving Fuji until further notice, but I don’t think there’s much to gain from more back and forth from us until there’s new material to work with.


@Finalbeta @Gambit what are your early reads?
Well I admit I don't know much of your meta but some players are suggesting you coming off with an excited reaction was strange and felt unnatural to your town standards. You don't necessarily need to come up with the same reactions all the time but they seemingly feel the odds you dropped scum are naturally highter due to this new situation arising, rather than be a simple town meta switch.

I think Fuji is slightly suspicious due the notion he flip flopped between you and Bleak voting patterns wise. He first voted you, then Bleak then you again despite not much had happened meanwhile, if not not really something of substantial, expecially in between him voting you and then switching onto Bleak the first time. I know he inferred that the two of you could be eventually connected but even then no point in choosing to flip flop rather than sticking to one lynch target more firmly considering that any would have been equally fine under that rationale of his', and I didn't like the way he responded to you when you made him notice more accurately about this overall matter, it felt like he was attempting to shrug you off rather than explaining properly why exactly he had switched onto Bleak when he said he doesn't play with your opinion of him in his mind. It felt like he was probably angry.

Speaking of Bleak still, it makes little sense to me how he thought SK could convert, I would wonder the offchance he is perhaps one himself and was pulling a strategy to feign ignorance about his role to lessen the tension, but that looks like quite a convoluted strategy still that has more cons than pros. It's more probable that he simply didn't read the set up properly presumably.

I don't have much of concrete on the others for now I must admit. Sallu contributed a little bit but didn't post much, so did Gambit and Zemmi and Ekko and several others such as LANJI, I was suspicious of the latter formerly but was advised he plays like that as Town so ripperoni. All these specific guys I mentioned look rather NAI for now to me if I had to be honest as it would be realistically unfair to suggest differently. One thing though, some of these players are quite expert at this game, being NAI is less difficult for them, but that doesn't change the fact they look NAI. Kagura contributed a bit more and I didn't find fallacies with their playstyle for now. Overall some players focused more on reads, others on mechanics but no substantial fallacy I did spot. Sanji and Knight fluffed too much to me but Sanji is a newbie and Knight a semi one.

Out of this list I think Knight looks the worst overall.

Also I think the game being silent favors scum in this setup (and in general) since they can gather time to strategize, perform actions etc. so I would be more wary of the ones who contributed less on average but still it's all in the realm of speculation since people have lives outside and regardless I don't like to find scums this way but with actual substantial reads prominently.

(Wow looks like I pulled a Ratchet here for how long my post is.)
Fluff, he also tends to coast d1 as scum.

I also have a good sense of him, i just wanna get his reaction anyways. For now.
I’m not against cooperating despite my initial suspicion, but by saying we just want a reaction aren’t we taking out any teeth our votes have anyway?


@Dr_Professor83 I don't get a scum vibe from either side of you, nor do I get a strong vibe of town from either of you from that exact interaction between you two.

I do believe I have my very first very solid town read I would say 99.999% likely they are town, that .001 remaining if they are on another level of trickery. I don't see this information as very benficial and could only harm us.
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