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Talent is something you make bloom.
Hey on the bright side we will be getting Sanji and Zoro's calamities fights much sooner than we expected :zosmug:
Also this pretty much confirms that Kaidou's flashback will start after the rest of the fights are concluded.
The ONLY reason I think these fights have any hope of being decent, is because Sanji has the "my body feels weird" thing to be accounted for.
So, if Sanji gets a fight for more than 1 chapter, Zoro gets AT LEAST the same amount, because there's 0 way he gets a fight with less panels than Sanji.
Therefore, these two actually have time to draw something decent.

But I dread at the thought that we are gonna have multiple chapters dedicated to the Big Mom fight. At least the Kid fans will FINALLY have Kid winning anything on panel.
Nah it'll be longer. The final fights always last several times longer than any fight. I do think volume 102 (Ch 1026-1035), will certainly have everyone defeated save for Kaido, Big Mom, and likely Orochi, but those Yonko battles will probably be immense.

Seriously, consider:

- 770-779: all the Doflamingo family defeats
- 780-791: Literally just Luffy vs Doflamingo lol

Luffy vs Crocodile (rounds 2 and 3) lasted like 15 chapters lol. Luffy vs Lucci lasted like 10 after every fight. Luffy vs Kata was nearly 20 on its own. Of course this includes everything else happening outside of their fights, but you get what mean.

A ton of stuff needs to be resolved, including the Yonko fights. I'm guessing volume 105-106 will be when they fall.
Luffy vs Kaido ends by 1040
What the fuck, momo inflicts more damage than 90% of the kaido brawlers...
Luffy vs kaido yonkou sky split already, too?
This is not a chapter im gonna bother with, catch ya fellas.
@me in 4 chapters when ZKK happens
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