Jack and Pero being defeated in this way is even worse than I thought… Remember when WCI established that Sulong is so taxing that Minks pass out when they exit it? Gues that doesn’t apply to Inu and Neko…
Jack is the biggest disappointment this arc. He’s getting like half a chapter, at best, worth of action before he goes down. Why is a fucking Calamity, who also served as a main antagonist at one point in the story, being given less screen time and action than any of the Tobi Roppo? Hopefully Oda is tricking us and will reveal that Jack has Awakening up his sleeve, but god damn, Oda has made so much of the main enemies look so underwhelming. Oda is rushing the parts of this arc that shouldn’t be rushed, and dragging out the boring filler, such as the Ice Oni plotline.
Usopp, Brook, Chopper, and Carrot got cucked for literally no reason in this arc, other than for what I can only assume is an attempt to “subvert expectations”
It should have been as simple as:
Momotaro Quartet vs Kaido
The 6 SNs vs BM
Zoro vs King
Sanji vs Queen
Jinbe vs Jack
Brook vs Who’s Who
Robin vs Black Maria
Franky vs Sasaki
Nami vs Ulti
Usopp vs P1
Carrot vs Perospero
Sure this is predictable and somewhat cliche, but it’s better than literally just screwing over so much of the main characters.
After this, I’m predicting:
Hawkins and Apoo actually do go down for good against Killer and Drake, instead of switching sides eventually. These two SNs amount to nothing more than filler fights for Killer and Drake. The remaining 4 Numbers are all jokes and probably get one shot by Denjiro or whoever. Usopp actually gets credit for beating both Ulti and P1, which means Nami’s bounty gets cucked, even though CP0 should know that Usopp is lying. King and Queen don’t have Awakening and go down in a lackluster manner.
Seriously, does Oda think that people only care about seeing Luffy fights, and maybe Zoro and Sanji fight too every once in a while? Why is he screwing the rest of the SHs out of fights so much?