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Like, Jack's been around for a solid 200+ chapters and Oda decides he's going to let a tertiary character beat him. And worse yet, the combined battle will maybe have 20 panels in it. This really bites.
How many panels did Luffy Vs Cracker have tbh. All we saw was the start of the fight. Then suddenly, skip 11 hours and Luffy wins. The anime put far more meat.


I will never forgive Oda
P1 and Ulti got more respect than Jack. Did Oda get too obsessed with the “Lack” memes and decide to make Jack constantly look pathetic? Jack got less fight scenes than fucking Fukurokuju.
Oda's devotion is 100% on Kaido. All of Onigashima has been Kaido focused to make up for the rest of Wano being.... I'm not sure what the focus was, but it wasn't on Kaido.
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