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The Green Sniper
Not Kaido level but stronger that most people there .
His DF already hax to begin with and that is with out him knowing much about it .
everyone works their ass off just to reach on that level and suddenly, a annoying shit brat comes, grow up by shit DF user, starts fighting with yonko and just after the raid becomes a new Yonko and kills AKAINU to avenge Luffy.
which actually shows how pathetic a human life can actually be. Imagine defending someone, that doesn‘t know you and wouldn‘t give a damn shit about you, even if Oda would personally shake his hands LMAO.
LMFAO yep! Oda doesn't give a fuck about them and they continue to say, "Oda only sleeps 4 ours a day", "oda works so hard", blah blah blah. It is a cult. This fanbase don't know how irrational they are.
I don’t care about the Luffy power up, it makes sense that if he fought Kaido fresh with Boundman his COC attacks would be emperor level.

I’m upset that an arc antagonist built up for 200 chapters got defeated in 1/3 of a chapter offscreen. IMO Jack getting done like this ruins Zou and retroactively makes the whole time skip worse as a result.
Truth is Jack whole thing is getting beat fast or off screen we just did not know it when saw it so much times in last 200 chapters lol

Formerly Seth

Imagine being surprised that sulong Inu beats Jack when he couldn't do anything for days against no sulong Inu or Neko.
No one is surprised at this. People are surprised why Inu and Neko allowed Jack do ruin their country that badly for someone as useless as Raizo and not asking WB for help for about 20 years chilling on giant moving Elephant.
I really dislike Sulong Nekomamush beating Perospero too, it's just "too easy" on top of the narrative connection being super weak (did Pedro and Neko even interact on-screen?). :zosleepy:
Maybe they talked to each other one time at Zou, but nothing important. I’m worried that Oda thinks that the casual fans only care about seeing Luffy, and to a lesser extent, Zoro and Sanji fight, which is why he has made all the other enemies so lame
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