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Yamato and Momo are there to help + a 3rd one might come too. It'll end in a 1v1 tho. All Luffy has after this are legitimate Top Tier opponents.
Hopefully we get plot-heavy arc next tho. Its okay for Shanks and BB to be powerlevel-focused like Kaidou as long as it doesn't make the story hollow. Dragging the fights beyond their welcome is always annoying. Can we cut to the important fights from the start instead of fighting fodders for 100 chapters? Lol
When someone compares AP & lethality to overall strength
You suck and overrate Zoro

Zoro only has better lethality and AP via enma
He's not better than Sulong dukes really
Let zoro mid diff King then we can talk if he's above Sulong dukes or not
Yeah yeah, that's why Kaido used that very same Attack to tell them Oden was Stronger
Apparently Kaido too sucks & can't Power Scale
Try harder buddy
You can say sure sure but it’s facts both the manga and anime showed this. People like you are the worst to have discussions with on these forums because you go say things that aren’t even facts and use them in arguments like they are facts.
Not even Tama fainted because of "poisonous" food/water lmfao.
That's why Zoro screamed like a chick when Hiyori touched his wound and that's why Zoro complained about being hurt and his own lack of skill.

Keep coping.
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