Pretty much i think momonosuke and hiyori will have big roles to play in the defeat of kaido and orochi
I dont feel like i dont really need to go in any specific detail as to the reason why momo and hiyori would want to since im pretty sure its obvious so i wont lol
As to how im pretty sure it will come down momo using enma and hiyori habakiri. I know they were actually givin the opposite swords but i feel like their connection to each villain is way more significant than "hiyori can't use habakiri because its not hers".
Hiyori probably brought habakiri with her as possible protection when coming to onigashima. We know shes not afraid to throw hands with a bitch specifically orochi and is proud of her samurai blood so she might even be semi competent with a sword. Especially if kawamatsu and/or denjiro trained her a bit
As for how momo will get his hands on enma im guessing itll happen after the drugs take effect on zoro. With zoro himself maybe even lending it to him for a minute till he hands it back. Enma is probably the only way for momo to really do any significant damage with how it basically sucks out every sip of haki it can get a hold off and momo probably wouldn't be able to use haki at least efficiently any other way
Before people about what about zoro vs kaido . I don't really mind/care if zfk, zmk, or zkk afterwords and im not sayin it 100% isn't going to happen
I dont feel like i dont really need to go in any specific detail as to the reason why momo and hiyori would want to since im pretty sure its obvious so i wont lol
As to how im pretty sure it will come down momo using enma and hiyori habakiri. I know they were actually givin the opposite swords but i feel like their connection to each villain is way more significant than "hiyori can't use habakiri because its not hers".
Hiyori probably brought habakiri with her as possible protection when coming to onigashima. We know shes not afraid to throw hands with a bitch specifically orochi and is proud of her samurai blood so she might even be semi competent with a sword. Especially if kawamatsu and/or denjiro trained her a bit
As for how momo will get his hands on enma im guessing itll happen after the drugs take effect on zoro. With zoro himself maybe even lending it to him for a minute till he hands it back. Enma is probably the only way for momo to really do any significant damage with how it basically sucks out every sip of haki it can get a hold off and momo probably wouldn't be able to use haki at least efficiently any other way
Before people about what about zoro vs kaido . I don't really mind/care if zfk, zmk, or zkk afterwords and im not sayin it 100% isn't going to happen