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He is still using haki and 3 swords with named attacks? If thats not trying then i dont know what is.
I didn't say he wasn't trying, but y'all think oh he using Enma=Zoro going all out.

He's a 3 sword Style user ofc he's gonna use Enma. Luffy uses Haki all the time for his attacks, even against fodder. Does that mean he's going all out??
You know what, the next chapter could be a Zoro/Sanji chapter and their fights pave the way for Killer/Raizou/XDrake to defeat their opponents like Luffy did for Neko/Inu :cantseeme:
:seriously:Oda "kaido >= BM> everyone else"
You " BM is tiers below Kaido, Mihawk/Dragon/Shanks above BM "
I dunno about this BM=Kaidou stuff in the first place. Not saying tiers below meant like Yonkou to YC, but between top fighters and top fighters i mean. Its just i dont saw BM as dangerous as Kaidou, she's dumb and often being exploited etc. Pure powerlevel sure she's placed high, but her clumsiness etc degrade her level imo
The wano arc is a portrayal of 'Destiny and Fate' and that's why it's linked to the moon so heavily. Necko and Inu have won because of the moon and its importance is going to be mentioned further down the road. Calling this 'bad writing' without the context of the later story is just stupid at this point. Nevertheless , oda has given a great conclusion to the Jack and Perospero fight. After these panels, i think its just useless to come here and look at 12 year olds bitching and crying all the time.
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