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Yeah. That scan never gets old. Kaido called him weak for losing to two top supernova, and Kaido's subordinates told him he is underestimating them. Doesn't matter since the author himself said Doffy's Joker epithet comes from the fact he was supposed to participate in Wano as Kaido's powerful ally.

So cry Baby.
2 top SN who would get negged by their current selves in Wano. Yh and Oda changed his mind because Doffy is too weak to be a powerful ally. How many times has Oda changed his mind for shit. Just cause he wanted Doffy to be strong, and ended up making him weak….doesnt mean he actually is strong.

And wtf does powerful ally even mean lol. It could be interpreted as many different things. Oda also called Smoothie powerful/strong in a SBS as well. Means nothing.
Considering the speed at which Luffy is progressing it is possible.

If the next arc is Erbaf I think Teach will beat Shanks and Luffy will beat Big Mom. It will make 2 Yonkos eliminated by the 2 rivals (Whitebeard and Shanks for Blackbeard) and for Luffy (Kaido and Big Mom) Which is interesting to note if this happens. It is because he will have finished their first emperor with help and the second in 1 vs 1 full without help.

They will surely be neck and neck to find the last Road Poneglyph.

We must not forget that as luck would have it Imu Sama had the posters of Luffy, Blackbeard, Shiraroshi and Vivi. It all has to be One Piece.
Elbaf is going to be the location of the final battle, not the arc after Wano. Big Mom isn’t going to be an antagonist after this arc

Gol D. Roger

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Jack VS Giovanni, Blackback— both are above Wanda and Carrot— plus a few other Sulong Minks:

Pero is nowhere near Jack.

EDIT: Although it isn't explicitly shown, Jack also took down Shishilian, Yomo, and Concelot.. So he took down at least 4 people stronger than Wanda and Carrot on top of many other Sulong Minks before getting slaughtered by Sulong Inu and Neku. That gives him far greater portrayal than Pero.


Law is a D but doesn't have the Kings haki Kid has the kings haki but is not a D. Monkey D Luffy is a D and a Haki of Kings. And the 3 advanced Hakis. She's the difference that's why Kid and Law are not Luffy's rivals. Once again Luffy's real rival is Blackbeard aka Marshall D Teach
you think will not have King's Haki? there is no way he will be an exception he is one of those people with no fear , with strong will , and is a captain. he will get sooner or later i think this fight against BM is the right time for that.
I'm glad that Inu vs Jack and Neko vs Perospero is finally over, now the remainings are:
-Zoro vs King
-Sanji vs Queen
-Killer vs Hawkins
-Kid/Law vs Big Mom
-Luffy vs Kaido

Not sure where Drake and Apoo are right now, also Raizo vs Fuku is probably getting off-screened but tbh I don't really care.
Cracker cannot even take 1/4 of the amount of damage Doflamingo received from Luffy and Law.
Law hit Doflamingo with his ultimate trumpcard being playing dead, then Luffy started wrecking BASE Doflamingo with G4 before the latter started using awakening. Even then, Doflamingo didn't use hardening on his strings when attacking Bound Man.

Also, Athlete << Pillow White/Flap Threads. Base Doflamingo was no match, Awakening Doflamingo is a different thing.
Cracker don't need to take 1/10 of the damage Doffy took he have better haki and tougher biscuit.
Can generate Infinte biscuit soldier which require G4 level AP to destroy
G3 had enough power to damage Doffy it was just too slow.
Better G3 is useless against Cracker's soldier.

Even with haki on hus strings on the last round he was no match.
His Awakening was only to stall.
Just before he start using Awakening he said "How many times will you last"
Man was dominated his only goal was to wait.
Plot armor saved him
2 top SN who would get negged by their current selves in Wano
Law is marginally stronger than his DR self. He had no power ups. He lived his life preparing to fight and die against Doffy. Luffy on the other hand had multiple power ups.

Base Sanji right now also is barely different from his DR self; he is only now slowly unlocking his exoskeleton and genes.
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