Strongest YC1

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Hey TAC, haven't honored your agreement on taking your modship despite polls, huh? Man that insecure.

I am only talking on spoilers. No need to be upset when Zoro is one saying it.

Same can be said not speaking bad on other characters too since talk got started when you guys think characters as Luffy, Sanji, and Yamato weren't strong, but they shown.
I am only speaking what i know, I'm a die hard Sanji fan, and even i know if makes no sense trying to deny Zoro's game and reverence, you can try to deny it, but it is proven.
My man. :cheers:

Look, it's Moe, everybody! :ihaha:

I mistook you for a fodder and nearly did not reply, Moe. You ought to work on your personality, you know that? You're so bland, people might think you're a complete nobody. :shame:
Jew, we talked about this. Don't be a simp as betacuck. Moe is on Youtube. Not here. Your talking nonsense of a fodder again. No wonder your comebacks and Head Piece get debunked easily. You need help, bruh. Get therapy for you and I am sure Head Piece not be a factor unless your stupidity stops it as everyone see this in you :kayneshrug:.
Zoro low diffs Lanji Oda told me in private
P.S chopper did more damage to queen than Lanji did LOL
No 'Ws and Ls', kid. Zolo struggling after you guys put Zoro can one-shot YCs and now it debunked again as ZKK is debunked. No Head Piece as that is issue your toxic group have.

We know Sanji is able to fight off 3 YCs on his own to Zolo who need help in teams to fight off Apoo and can't even knock him out lol.
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