Strongest YC1

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The Rogue Prince
Well, King is the right hand man of the WSC for a reason. No bullshit like "Doffy is Kaido's Katakuri" or sth like that, it was ALWAYS King.

I never really understood why the majority of the fandom scaled Snakeman's speed (and by extension Katakuri's) over Marco's tbh. Marco could keep up with Kizaru and unless Snakeman shows similar feats, I think Marco is faster and can tag Kuri, bypassing his FS, multiple times.
King would smash Doffy.
I doubt Doffy could easily endure attacks like Ultra Tiger hunt or Onigiri Rengoku.
Second attack in weaker version one shot a Supernova(and a supernova who play at the highest stages).
I doubt Doffy has the ap to one shot a supernova like Zoro did.

This is good sign that King can keep up with Zoro, I doubt Doffy could do the same.
I think Doflamingo is a low/mid diff fight for King at this point. I don't think he'd be able to do much to King. Even Parasite meme is useless against shape shifter like King and King rag dolls in every other stat.
Also small reminder that King was canonically confirmed to be faster than RS Sanji.

Sanji had a good headstart when he took Momo and started flying off. King, while in base and just using his Lunarian flying abilities, could outspeed RS Sanji and catchup to him.
King is definitely faster. Keeping up with Marco >>> blitzing Page One.

Exactly, the tables turned quite fast the moment King decided to do something against Sanji. His RS legit saved him from being impaled if I recall.
I think part of it is coping mechanism from people who some how have fascination towards paralleling Zoro and Sanji when no actual parallels exist.
They believe since Zoro has the power, Sanji has speed when in reality Zoro has always been jack of al trades (Master of all trades really)

Part of it also has to do with Oda's speed SBS tho they ignore that Oda said Zoro would only be number 4 because he would get lost in the race lmao
Exactly. They are quick to point the SBS as some factual information when it's nothing less than a gig specially when you consider Oda specifically said Zoro would get lost lmfao. So far Zoro has been one of most efficient and technical fighter we've seen. This man has it all

I never really understood why the majority of the fandom scaled Snakeman's speed (and by extension Katakuri's) over Marco's tbh. Marco could keep up with Kizaru and unless Snakeman shows similar feats, I think Marco is faster and can tag Kuri, bypassing his FS, multiple times.
Well, Snake Man was the first thing which truly outspeed a skilled FS user whom many people thought could easily react to Marco or potentially Kizaru too. Kata could only block the highest speed attacks of Snake Man but he's also comparable to Snake Man in terms of speed when it comes to Snake Man's casual attacks.
So based on this scaling, Katakuri is > Bound Man in speed.

BUT now we have Marco (and King due to being comparable to Marco) directly matching LS with their own speed. And tbh, Snake Man is at best in their general speed level, it sure ain't as fast as LS. It's rather unpredictable which makes Snake Man rather tricky.

As I said, King should generate similar speed skills comparable to Snake Man. He IS already very fast, let's see what he's showing next.
King is definitely faster. Keeping up with Marco >>> blitzing Page One.

Exactly, the tables turned quite fast the moment King decided to do something against Sanji. His RS legit saved him from being impaled if I recall.
I don't think Raid Suit Sanji is even in the same speed class as King on his top speed.
Tho that's why Queen vs King seems so lopsided, even DJ Sanji can keep up with Queen.
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