Powers & Abilities POLL : Foxfire style PU are not ?

Is Foxfirestyle a PU ?

  • YES

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • no

    Votes: 10 32.3%

  • Total voters


Zoro Worshipper
Well Zoro is cutting fire but his AP is the same. A little PU but nothing too substantial, it depends on the opponent. If he fights Sabo then decidedly.
Cutting flames and using flames if needed more freely. That’s a PU for sure which has shown to be useful against Kaido and BM’s fire.
it sure is.. it give him the ability to cut fire.. so against mera mera no mi or even flame attacks of Bolo breath caliber are basically null..
It's a situational power up .
I mean if zoro fight Luffy for example him cutting fire wouldn't help him at all.
It just oda make it happen that zoro was against two yonko that using fire attacks. If he was against BB and shanks...:josad:
I voted yes mainly because i believe it is connected with BOAT.
It is not a power up:gonope:
Zoro did not received any power up since the return of the TS, for that matter:kayneshrug:

In Zou he said that he worth 2000 people and after Roof Piece he still said that he worth 2000 people:goyea: