Stop playing the clown and get me some fucking proof, it's been 20 minutes since you gave me your "everyone knows" I don't give a fuck about that I want something concrete
1) Luffy is more open to alliances with other pirates than he was pre skip.....alliance with Law, alliance with Bege is more proof of that.....
2) He isn't willing to risk his life for someone when that someone isn't willing to put his life (hence Luffy asked Momonuske to say directly to him instead of his retainers in Zou)
3) Luffy grabs Katakuri and throw himself into mirror world along with him which gives strawhats to escape from immediate danger and boosted his nakama morale eventhough he is not doing fine against Katakuri....and this is especially immediately after the death of Pedro....
4) Reread chapter literally showcases how matured Luffy as a leader......and Luffy is different in wano though not much like straight away telling Ace is dead without any bullshit, sharing food with people (like when did he ever share his food with others, lol...)
I need not to tell about pre TS.....
Luffy is mature since the beginning.....sure he goofs around and all, but that is just part of his character but he is dead serious when situation calls for it....
you are talking about Ace people completely "misread" the situation.....that sent only one message to Luffy and readers that "he was not strong for new world".....even Luffy lost his confidence because he felt he was not "strong enough"......