Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Oda is going for this whole EVIL vs GOOD concept with Sanji
People with low IQ cannot understand this
This is what I hope to see next for Sanji, some iner struggle as he's losing his emotions but he eventually overcomes it with his stronger passion and unleaches a new and stronger DJ.
Right now, we can't hype Sanji's durability without hyping the durability of his siblings also. They all have the exoskeleton and RS
dont think so, sanji will have practice + haki + exos
I dont think his brother even once showed any kind of haki


Zoro Worshipper
Can't wait to hear the excuses that come in.

This just hurts Sanji's character even more... yeah I can't beat Queen regularly so I need my Vinsmoke powers to awaken
I'm waiting to witness more of the dynamic.

I will recognize the feat if I find out Queen was coating his sword and Sanji wasn't wearing a suit. Let's see.

Though I mean it's not Base Zoro can't swiftly make his sword break considering how superior his haki is if he coats his body and Queen tries hard enough I guess.
Nice spoilers..
So judge must have been working on finding what went "wrong" with sanji and he created the suit in order to change what was missing from sanji.??
Dam* that man is a genius!! People should give more credit to judge brain, that mf is Einstein..
So now after all this years of training, sanji on top of that he became a metahuman or something...
Let's see the real fight between Queen and sanji start now..
To bad that we have a break next week
Great, now CP0 is heading in for a fight. And Big Mom and her Pirate kids are still at large. Oda-sensei wasn't kidding when he said that this would make the Marineford arc look cute by comparison. But more importantly, I can't wait to see Sanji's massive upgrade. Also, Yamato-chan's animal form is beautiful.
Sanji using not using the RS could mean he using it later when Queen come up with his own powerup.
So far we have in this chapter Queen who broke Sanji bones who himself heal very fast.
I expect 1-2more chapters with Queen using his trumpcard next chapter, then chapter 1030 we see a full conlusion of the fight.
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