Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Oh shit think about the possibilities.

CP0 know about what the fuck happened on the Reverie. Imagine this bomb sounding in all Onigashima:

"Nefertari Vivi is dead" or "Revolutionary commander Sabo is dead"

Also Lucci for sure is fighting Jinbe because of the whole Whos Who shit.

Stussy vs Nami or Ussop? And Brook vs Kaku?
What a shit take. You really don’t understand Sanji’s character, do you?
this is what makes me laugh out loud.
these fake sanji fan seethe back in WCI because the hardly give him powerup, rather focus on his humanity
now in Wano after Sanji gets tons and tons of powerup he deserve after wci but they called it out.
so frigging dumb

power level wise sanji NEEDS a ton of power up to stand with zoro as one of the wings
AND basically regeneration.
Dude's Wolverine now.
Now it makes sense why Sanji suddenly recovered from King's and Queen's beatdown since his exoskeleton - which is high recovery speed - was slowly awakening at this moment.

No, it drastically boosts his stats in general + grants him new high healing skills.
So Sanji is supposed to be the strawhat's phoenix?
He healed his broken bones.
Didn't see it coming tbh
I'm curious, will he have some design changes that highlight this?


World's Strongest Swordsman
CP-0's existence explains why SH's aren't getting all out battles. Looks like Sanji and others will be dealing with the CP-0 while Luffy and Zoro will be KOing and then killing kaido then they're done with their roles. New opportunities for the other SHs to shine.
Lucci doesn't seem to be here. He's talking to them over Den Den Mushi it sounds like.

Plus, it's probably why he kept Brook/Jinbe/etc relatively healthy. This is more likely their problem, not Sanji or Zoro's.
It says Rob Lucci is near Onigashima, maybe it's a translation thing.

Personally I don't want anymore people to come to Wano including Lucci. Arc already feels convoluted with characters

Formerly Seth

I also believe it's very possible that Zoro will make his blade black this arc but this is a feat that has only been achieved twice in history as far as we know, at the hands of the best swordsmen of their times, Ryuma and Mihawk. Not even Oden could achieve that and some think that Zoro will made Enma black fighting against motherfucking King? Lol
Fuck Enma.

Wado goes black first.

Oden stick should be shoved up Hiyori's ass.
lmao What the Fuck :milaugh:

This mf weak as fuck carried by his germa Tech since he born

Vergo neg diffed Sanji wothout using haki
So Vergo with haki Still NEGS sanji

:milaugh: :milaugh: pathetic what a waste of pages and break week? i mean who even give a single fuck about this shit when he didnt do a shit in his arc

oda become a dumb fuck no wonder manga sales were drops since the WCI he should endup this with a onearc now getting carried another arc pathetic

Base King > Gap > Hybrid queen = Awekend Okama
Please shut up and enjoy your L

Also vergo getting his ass sent into a wall twice after getting overpowered and speed blitzed is an L for him

Please just accept your L
people were like
sanji is fast
zoro is more durable
i am sorry whatever the reason is but now sanji is fast af as usual and he was already so durable [ ENEL SCENE ] and now he probably surpassed zoro in that area as well.. and he can heal himself.. don't need no pills for broken bones
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