Not really a spoilers type of guy, but thought to switch it up this week (zoro hype and that).
Now lmao tell me pervert-san who hated daddy and everything to do with him, went from not wearing the suit, with no body wearing his suit every other time he struggles, and then getting his body upgraded for free lol. I mean he has it better than his siblings as they don't have emotions.....freeby power i say.
Even after all this it's still Woro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pervert-San
what was the point of whole cake island again?
Lucci is like a cat in heat, he can't get enough of Robin lol. A tired Strawhat group, alongside the wano samurais will deal with these trash...again. Is it me or does Luffy beating Kaido and CP0 not having Kaido in their objectives mean ZKK WILL HAPPEN??????? GLORY GLORY DAYS BABY!