You are the Mastermindl! The Mastermind is a Guaranteed Unique Special class that belongs to the Unseen faction.
[Passive - Can't Touch This] Immune to death (at night) and bleeding.
[Passive - In The Shadows] Appears to be Blue Dragon to investigative abilities for the first 3 nights. Cannot be bypassed.
[Special Active - Suicide] Commit suicide at the end of the night. Should only be used when necessary. The Suicide ability can only be used from Day 3.
It will happen at the end of the night, even if you are jailed. It also ignores healing or occupation. [1-shot]
[Day Active - Dirty Work] If there are no Unseen members left, you will become the Assassin at the beginning of the night.
[Dirty Work] can only be used from Day 4 and if there are less than 7 total players alive.
[Night Active - Convert] Attempt to convert a player into joining the Unseen. After failing to convert three times in a row, you will convert a random convertible player. Maximum of 3 living Unseen members at once.
[One-Night Cooldown Upon Success]
[Night Active - Foresight] Discover a player’s converted class type if any. Can be framed.