Second escort is not rare actually. 2 Transporters, 2 BGs, 2 escorts can exist in a game.
That's where you saw the opportunity to blend in, I'd say. It's not an unusual things to do. You could have been advised by your scum mates or it could very well your own decision and you are feigning ignorance.
Say you didn't claim escort, what else would you have claimed to fit in? Or else you'd have very well be pushed to lynch yesterday itself with your flip flopping.
Alibaba is up to something or he might be the victim. We gotta see what's up with him. But you being a consort and claiming escort makes sense to me.
1. Well i thought it wasnt even possible as it was my first play. And it does seem to be rare since most of the discission on day one was whether there are two escorts or not. So at least most people think its unlikely seeing this on my first game i thought is very weird.
2. Adviced by my "scum mates" to put my self underfire like that on day one? Admitting i rbed ali for no reason? To blend in on something that is very unlikely? Why didnt i claim any other role? That is more likely to be believable and instead went to the riskiest apparent route ?
3. Flip flopping? I literally made a list of my most suspisous people. Which the first one was enryu. Why would i vote him out not knowing what factions he belongs to? If he flipped town ( which if i was scum woudlnt have a way to know) would have made me look scum
And lets see who was number two on my list, OH it was mango who admitted he was lying, so i wasnt wrong about him lying either. It was a justified suspisoun. The 3rd on my list was you, i gave my reasons to why i said its very weak. All my suspisouns but yours was confirmed to be something, how is it flop flopping when i am right on two twice out of 3? I gave evidence and reason to my claims and i wasnt wrong on any of them. i said i wouldnt claimed escortt because its very unlikely to be believable.