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The End and the Beginning
l1k3 1 S41d.
y0u CFD'd a t0wn13 pl4y3r.
y0u are 100% not t0wn 4nd just g0t lucky.

th3r3 is n0 w4y y0u cfd lynch 3kk0 and think y0u got m4fi4.
th4t is s1lly.
y0ur t34m c0pp3d h1m 0r wh4t??
I have been on record that in Multiball scum shouldn't overreach against the other scum team early in the game lest they set themselves at a disadvantage. So I was either scum desperate for cred or I'm just town. I've had quite enough of your nonsense so it's time you started playing. Pick two players and case them, I don't care which two. Failing that, claim. Failing that, you can be vigged today, and lynched tomorrow if you're still alive.
I have been on record that in Multiball scum shouldn't overreach against the other scum team early in the game lest they set themselves at a disadvantage. So I was either scum desperate for cred or I'm just town. I've had quite enough of your nonsense so it's time you started playing. Pick two players and case them, I don't care which two. Failing that, claim. Failing that, you can be vigged today, and lynched tomorrow if you're still alive.
0k 1 3xpl41n t0 m3 why y0u surv1v3d my 0ne sh0t sup3rk1ll?


When were you under the impression this game is..
l1k3 1 S41d.
y0u CFD'd a t0wn13 pl4y3r.
y0u are 100% not t0wn 4nd just g0t lucky.

th3r3 is n0 w4y y0u cfd lynch 3kk0 and think y0u got m4fi4.
th4t is s1lly.
y0ur t34m c0pp3d h1m 0r wh4t??
Ekko was not town therefore Ratchet CFDed scum,

I as the highest wagon after Ekko am town.

Ratchet was in no way scum read, so what exactly was that play of his if he is scum T-pein?

You think he caught scum and Cfded them for town cred when his position was in no way at risk?

I know Ratchy and he doesn't bus or do scum wars D1 if he is scum.

It is not benefitial whatsoever to do so.
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