Who cares about fights and powerscaling. My point is Oda's barely focusing on rest of the straw hats and repeating same gags, overused emotional moments with Sanji, its boring and doesn't add any value to the story
They aren't overused tho, sanji never had emotional moments pre ts aside from the baratie arc

And it does add value to the story, because emotional moments kind of makes some moments more satisfying

Sanji is gonna beat the shit out of queen and it's gonna be satisfying because of queen's connections to judge, just like sanji saving the Vinsmokes was a great moment because of the emotional moments we had before that

But you're free to like or dislike

Sanji is one of main characters, obviously he's gonna get a lot of focus it's something established from the beginning

Although I get what you're saying, I'm kind of disappointed that brook didn't get much focus in wano despite being a swordsman

Gorosei Informer

Imagine the madness if FIFA gets snag

Ngl I do feel for my Xbox friends especially when they are not rubbing the fact that Halo and Gears of Wars ain't on Playstation not that I care tbh. I don't mind the whole exclusive thing but not when it comes to big brand names such as Marvel and EA. Not sure what Insomniac was thinking with Spiderman & Wolverine. Imagine the madness if FIFA gets bought up by Microsoft since EA doesn't wanna break the bank for their rights fees :quest:
That would be insane haha. Could be possible I suppose, EA Play is now part of Xbox Game Pass after all!

Xbox barely has any exclusives especially decent ones so no wonder they have to circlejerk about Halo and GOW too lol.

Yeah, Spiderman and Wolverine shouldn't really be exclusives but idk if Sony is part of the reason of that or not, but I imagine so?

Ah jyu just mentioned Microsoft and FIFA hahaha, great minds think alike! It would make a lot of sense! FIFA getting snagged would be such a massive gamechanger, pun intended!
Oda is doing Zoro's character so dirty, we have just got surface level Characterization for him, he haven't got inner conflict moments like Luffy ( "Luffy vs Usopp", "I am so weak") and Sanji (WCI).
I am so disappointed.
I was hoping that Wano would have focused more on Zoro's character. It is possible that Oda still will give Zoro plenty of character development. I have enjoyed his fights, his bonding with Toko and Yasuie, and I am interested in learning more about his connection to Ryuma and the Shimotsuki clan. I just worry that there won't be enough time to delve into all that. Mainly I just miss Luffy and Zoro sharing panel time.

Gorosei Informer

Perhaps someome stole the account who made the review then edited the review?
Thats exactly what I'm thinking. I bet thats why I was banned last time too. It's just frustrating they are taking the school teacher approach of punishing the whole class for 1 person's bad behaviour or so.

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Oh man i love paladins:suresure:
It does look cool, I tried it briefly before. Smite was pretty fun and has some awesomely designed and included Gods and such too.