Fanclub HxH Fanclub

Yay HxH fanclub, this is a place where we can discuss how much HxH we like and can also be our waiting area till the next chapter.

So to join this fanclub, you have to make up your own hatsu and say which Nen category you are in.

I am a Manipulator turned Specialist and my hatsu is "Spacial Remote" and "Time over Body"

Members list:
@Chrono: Manipulator
@Albino 👑:
@Dark Admiral:
@Dark Admiral:
@TheKnightOfTheSea: Conjurer
@Kagurashii: Emitter
: Conjurer
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Peerless In History
I'm a specialist. I lack innate creativity but I'm good at seeing talent in people and I'm good at improving those people's talents as a means of living vicariously through them.

The ability is called Skill Accountant: A Worthwhile investment. It's an ability I created for an NPC I modeled after myself in a H x H tabletop game I used to run.

Ability Type: Specialist

For the ability to start, Certain things need to be in play. No one else except the people this ability will be used on must be in the room. For the area to count as room, it must have an entrance and an exit, it must have windows, and every window in the “Room/Area” must be shut, every door in the room must be shut. Once all these conditions are met, Temple must shake hands with each person this will involve and ask them “Do you want to make an investment? If they affirm, then the ability starts. A small office is conjured within the room. It looks like an investment banker’s office with enough computers for each person in the room, and anything Temple deems synonymous with stockbrokers, investment bankers, accounts, and people that generally handle other people's money. The computer will serve as the “Bank” Where a lot of this ability takes place/is stored.

This ability allows people to invest their Hatsu’s in the computer/system as a sort of investment. The more time their Hatsu spends in the system, the more it will appreciate. This appreciation comes in the power/output that the Hatsu has on its next use. A Hatsu that has spent 1 year in the System will be more powerful than one that has spent 1 week in the System. While the ability gets stronger the longer it’s in the System, there comes a point where diminishing returns start to occur. This system will naturally favor Hatsus in the following order. Specialist->Conjuration=Manipulator->Transmuter=Emitter->Enhancer. As a result of this favoritism, The % Affinity is the percentage that each type of Hatsu has of making it into the system. So a Specialist ability would have a 100% chance while an Enhancer ability would be at 40%

Temple needs to make a sales pitch to the person on why they should invest their Hatsu ability. If they agree, the room is conjured. There is a computer for each person in the room that will be investing. Temple’s computer is on but, he can’t see anything that any client is typing unless if the client gives him permission to see what they are typing. If they agree, then he can see the information each client is providing on his on screen. The room is soundproof and is in another space in order to demonstrate Temple’s dedication to being as professional as possible.[At least what he thinks professionalism is]

On the computer screens of each Client, there is a form that they must fill out in order for the ability to create an “Investment profile” Multiple abilities can be invested under the same profile as long as it’s by the same person. Even with this, The ability still has its biases and each ability must enter separately under the same profile.

If everything went smoothly and the ability is put into the system, then a small device is conjured and given to the client. It has two buttons. One is Blue and the Other is Yellow. The buttons allow the client to withdraw the abilities they invested. Pressing the Blue button once selects an ability. Pressing the Yellow button withdraws the ability. This can be done from anywhere but, if the client wants to reinvest the ability, then they must meet Temple in person.

  • Must explain how the ability works to the client.
  • He must answer any question posed to him unless it’s about the information of another client. In that case, he isn’t obliged to answer that question.
  • The Client must put their name, date of birth, Phone #, Favorite Color, The name of the Hatsu ability, a general description of it and their signature into the computer.
  • The parameters of a what a “room" is must be met.
  • The boost in power is not permanent. It only lasts for 5 Uses
  • The Ability is biased For certain categories and has a chance of failing to invest the ability.
  • Temple cannot see The information written down by the investors unless given permission.
  • When a Hatsu is withdrawn, it can be reinvested but, the investor must wait half the time they invested the Hatsu for previously.
  • Cannot divulge the information of other investors unless given consent.
  • Each client that is invested in is a constant Drain on Temples limited Aura. Each client is 5% of Temples Aura. He loses that aura and won’t gain it back until the ability is withdrawn. This means that at most, There can only be 20 Clients
  • Cannot tell any lie regarding the ability. Meaning they must answer truthfully anytime they are questioned about the ability. Otherwise, He loses this ability and every ability related to it.
There are 2 variants of this ability. Normally, a boost isn’t permanent and is limited. This can be circumvented but additional conditions must be met by the client.

  • The Chance of every ability to make it into the system no matter the type Drops to 40%.
  • The Rate of appreciation decreases by 50%
  • The chance for an ability to make into the system can be increased by the user adding additional vows, conditions, and restrictions to the ability. Since the boost is permanent, it should come with some extra burden. The stronger the conditions, vows, and restrictions, the higher the chance.
  • If these new restrictions aren't followed, the ability can still be activated but, after the first use, the boost disappears and the ability becomes even weaker than when it was originally invested. This decrease in power is proportional to the strength of the broken condition, vow, or restriction.
Appreciation Rate: The power of the Hatsu appreciates at different rates. It’s done at a weekly rate.

  • Week 1 - 50 4% Each week
  • Week 51 - 100 = 2% Each Week
  • Week 101 - 150 - 1% Each week
  • Week 151 - 200 = .5% Each Week
  • Week 201-250 = .25% Each Week.
  • Week 251- ???? = .125% Each Week.
Ability Name: Pay the Investor [Wire Transfer]

Ability Type:[ Specialization +Manipulator + Conjuration]

Temple Conjures a PDA similar to the one clients get. At the end of Each week, Temple learns 2 abilities in random profiles and forgets all the abilities from the previous week. The information about the ability is forgotten at the end of each week but, if the ability shows up again, he regains an understanding of how to use it from his previous use. The same abilities can’t be repeated until all abilities have been used once in the cycle.


  • Only 2 can be active at a time
  • The abilities are random and can't be repeated until every ability from profiles have been used at least once or cycled through.
  • The abilities are lost at the end of the week.
  • Temple does not get the boost in power that the abilities get from it being invested. The abilities are at their normal potency and he is subject to all restrictions, conditions and vows set on the ability from its original owner.
  • If the original owner of the ability dies, the abilities also disappear unless in nen becoming stronger after death is at play.
Ability Name: System Break in [Proof of Investment]

Ability Type: [Specialization]

Temple is greedy like all bankers, investors, and brokers. He always wants more. This ability allows him to take up to 3 more abilities from profiles. To use this ability, he must fulfill the condition of what a room is in order to conjure the space where the system is. He can break into a profile to withdraw a copy of the ability under the guise of the original owner.


  • Only 3 Abilities can be withdrawn at a time.
  • The abilities base power is the base power of the original ability and is not subject to the appreciation rate.
  • If he enters the incorrect information into the system, then he is forced into a state of “Zetsu” For 30 days. In this state of “Zetsu,” Temple can’t use any but, Skill accountant will still be active even though he can’t use any other nen techniques.

  • Must know the Person's name, favorite color, their signature, The Hatsu type, The name of it, How it works, and the person's date of birth, and must enter the information into the system.
  • Before using the ability, they must explain the ability to the person or thing that they want to use it on. Otherwise, the ability can’t be activated.
  • Must fulfill the conditions of the Space and the withdrawal can only be done in the space.
For this ability, information is key and only people who really trust Temple will provide him with the information needed for it to work. For those who don’t give the information, Temple must find it out himself.
I'm a specialist. I lack innate creativity but I'm good at seeing talent in people and I'm good at improving those people's talents as a means of living vicariously through them.

The ability is called Skill Accountant: A Worthwhile investment. It's an ability I created for an NPC I modeled after myself in a H x H tabletop game I used to run.

Ability Type: Specialist

For the ability to start, Certain things need to be in play. No one else except the people this ability will be used on must be in the room. For the area to count as room, it must have an entrance and an exit, it must have windows, and every window in the “Room/Area” must be shut, every door in the room must be shut. Once all these conditions are met, Temple must shake hands with each person this will involve and ask them “Do you want to make an investment? If they affirm, then the ability starts. A small office is conjured within the room. It looks like an investment banker’s office with enough computers for each person in the room, and anything Temple deems synonymous with stockbrokers, investment bankers, accounts, and people that generally handle other people's money. The computer will serve as the “Bank” Where a lot of this ability takes place/is stored.

This ability allows people to invest their Hatsu’s in the computer/system as a sort of investment. The more time their Hatsu spends in the system, the more it will appreciate. This appreciation comes in the power/output that the Hatsu has on its next use. A Hatsu that has spent 1 year in the System will be more powerful than one that has spent 1 week in the System. While the ability gets stronger the longer it’s in the System, there comes a point where diminishing returns start to occur. This system will naturally favor Hatsus in the following order. Specialist->Conjuration=Manipulator->Transmuter=Emitter->Enhancer. As a result of this favoritism, The % Affinity is the percentage that each type of Hatsu has of making it into the system. So a Specialist ability would have a 100% chance while an Enhancer ability would be at 40%

Temple needs to make a sales pitch to the person on why they should invest their Hatsu ability. If they agree, the room is conjured. There is a computer for each person in the room that will be investing. Temple’s computer is on but, he can’t see anything that any client is typing unless if the client gives him permission to see what they are typing. If they agree, then he can see the information each client is providing on his on screen. The room is soundproof and is in another space in order to demonstrate Temple’s dedication to being as professional as possible.[At least what he thinks professionalism is]

On the computer screens of each Client, there is a form that they must fill out in order for the ability to create an “Investment profile” Multiple abilities can be invested under the same profile as long as it’s by the same person. Even with this, The ability still has its biases and each ability must enter separately under the same profile.

If everything went smoothly and the ability is put into the system, then a small device is conjured and given to the client. It has two buttons. One is Blue and the Other is Yellow. The buttons allow the client to withdraw the abilities they invested. Pressing the Blue button once selects an ability. Pressing the Yellow button withdraws the ability. This can be done from anywhere but, if the client wants to reinvest the ability, then they must meet Temple in person.

  • Must explain how the ability works to the client.
  • He must answer any question posed to him unless it’s about the information of another client. In that case, he isn’t obliged to answer that question.
  • The Client must put their name, date of birth, Phone #, Favorite Color, The name of the Hatsu ability, a general description of it and their signature into the computer.
  • The parameters of a what a “room" is must be met.
  • The boost in power is not permanent. It only lasts for 5 Uses
  • The Ability is biased For certain categories and has a chance of failing to invest the ability.
  • Temple cannot see The information written down by the investors unless given permission.
  • When a Hatsu is withdrawn, it can be reinvested but, the investor must wait half the time they invested the Hatsu for previously.
  • Cannot divulge the information of other investors unless given consent.
  • Each client that is invested in is a constant Drain on Temples limited Aura. Each client is 5% of Temples Aura. He loses that aura and won’t gain it back until the ability is withdrawn. This means that at most, There can only be 20 Clients
  • Cannot tell any lie regarding the ability. Meaning they must answer truthfully anytime they are questioned about the ability. Otherwise, He loses this ability and every ability related to it.
There are 2 variants of this ability. Normally, a boost isn’t permanent and is limited. This can be circumvented but additional conditions must be met by the client.

  • The Chance of every ability to make it into the system no matter the type Drops to 40%.
  • The Rate of appreciation decreases by 50%
  • The chance for an ability to make into the system can be increased by the user adding additional vows, conditions, and restrictions to the ability. Since the boost is permanent, it should come with some extra burden. The stronger the conditions, vows, and restrictions, the higher the chance.
  • If these new restrictions aren't followed, the ability can still be activated but, after the first use, the boost disappears and the ability becomes even weaker than when it was originally invested. This decrease in power is proportional to the strength of the broken condition, vow, or restriction.
Appreciation Rate: The power of the Hatsu appreciates at different rates. It’s done at a weekly rate.

  • Week 1 - 50 4% Each week
  • Week 51 - 100 = 2% Each Week
  • Week 101 - 150 - 1% Each week
  • Week 151 - 200 = .5% Each Week
  • Week 201-250 = .25% Each Week.
  • Week 251- ???? = .125% Each Week.
Ability Name: Pay the Investor [Wire Transfer]

Ability Type:[ Specialization +Manipulator + Conjuration]

Temple Conjures a PDA similar to the one clients get. At the end of Each week, Temple learns 2 abilities in random profiles and forgets all the abilities from the previous week. The information about the ability is forgotten at the end of each week but, if the ability shows up again, he regains an understanding of how to use it from his previous use. The same abilities can’t be repeated until all abilities have been used once in the cycle.


  • Only 2 can be active at a time
  • The abilities are random and can't be repeated until every ability from profiles have been used at least once or cycled through.
  • The abilities are lost at the end of the week.
  • Temple does not get the boost in power that the abilities get from it being invested. The abilities are at their normal potency and he is subject to all restrictions, conditions and vows set on the ability from its original owner.
  • If the original owner of the ability dies, the abilities also disappear unless in nen becoming stronger after death is at play.
Ability Name: System Break in [Proof of Investment]

Ability Type: [Specialization]

Temple is greedy like all bankers, investors, and brokers. He always wants more. This ability allows him to take up to 3 more abilities from profiles. To use this ability, he must fulfill the condition of what a room is in order to conjure the space where the system is. He can break into a profile to withdraw a copy of the ability under the guise of the original owner.


  • Only 3 Abilities can be withdrawn at a time.
  • The abilities base power is the base power of the original ability and is not subject to the appreciation rate.
  • If he enters the incorrect information into the system, then he is forced into a state of “Zetsu” For 30 days. In this state of “Zetsu,” Temple can’t use any but, Skill accountant will still be active even though he can’t use any other nen techniques.

  • Must know the Person's name, favorite color, their signature, The Hatsu type, The name of it, How it works, and the person's date of birth, and must enter the information into the system.
  • Before using the ability, they must explain the ability to the person or thing that they want to use it on. Otherwise, the ability can’t be activated.
  • Must fulfill the conditions of the Space and the withdrawal can only be done in the space.
For this ability, information is key and only people who really trust Temple will provide him with the information needed for it to work. For those who don’t give the information, Temple must find it out himself.
Goddamn that is complicated to understand. And nice on having a non-combat related Hatsu.

Here is mine. Its kind of a mess tho lmao
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I'm a specialist my man. I will avenge all the Zoro fans in the world who got bullied thus far. :wellwell:
Lmao we're all specialists:suresure:

What would be your hatsu ?