How were the stories in the write-up?

  • They were meh. I didn't like them

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The End and the Beginning
this i will never understand. giving people free days to play. but you do you. guess i was super scummy in that TAC game wasent i. thats what i get for half assing a game with strong town players present
Actually, I should talk about this more. In that game, I simply spent several hours not interacting with the thread, and simply observed the gamestate and went through what had happened in the Day to that point. I then went with my gut feeling and just trusted it fully. Very, very rarely will I do this. When it comes to gut, I often think myself out of it, if that makes sense. I often get too paranoid and think about high-level gambits I've seen maybe once and then I've lost the feeling. With that game I just went with it. It wasn't you being super scummy. Was just me trusting my instincts over my usual strengths. As soon as you came back to the thread I knew I had you. In another game I played elsewhere, literally like a day after that, I did the same thing to another player, and was right then too. Sometimes it just clicks into place for me.

Pretty sure I was mostly joking in the Digimon game. It doesn't often come across well because of my manner of speaking, but I do joke now and then.

As for the rest of the post, i don't have anything else to add etc.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Why only one?
The correct term is "facetious", actually. I was being facetious. You were more interested in taking jabs at me than you were solving, which is the standard you hold me to.
i have no negative standards againt you
i do just get heated in games ao apologies if it comes off as that
again im going for a change here, i hope its the right choice

Could be both, too, actually, now that you mention it. I find it weird Tuna is voting with me when he apparently scum reads me. If Ultra is scum, he might be bussing here.
bussing is probably not gna come into play this early. its weird u brought that point

mafia shud only be 1 or 2 members big unless u know something i dont
Nice going? You are most likely scum and trying to vote me out because i sused u
No. I'm Town and voting you because you are inconsistent af and contradicting yourself and all you can do is OMGUS now. You also tried shading me with the entire Zem vs Mid thing and tried pushing the narrative that I was pushing a narrative when I did no such thing.

So. Have a nice day at the gallows, scum.


✨More Than A Game ╰(°▽°)╯✨
I didnt changr anything i said and only talked about the flower situation when people asked, so what changed exactly? You scum read me when you town read me before.
Well you started out saying that Flower might be focusing too much on the Mid vs Zem thing and turning it into a false narrative. I liked that part because it showed you were paying attention to the game. You had Fuji and Flower in your suspect lists. But then you mentioned something like how Flower was drunk and you think she might slip or something. That post kinda gave me the tone that you were not actively pushing it but you were trying to generate activity in the thread - which is a very good thing! That made me see you in a better light.

But then you continued to drag the same point on with Ekko, Ratchet and finally Flower herself. Then you shifted on to Ultra. You are flip flopping between your reads. You just gave up on the Flower case, which you have been so eagerly sticking to all this time - so easily too. I don't like this approach of your's. Generating activity is a very good thing. But blowing something out of proportion is bad.

@Kagura I doubt I will be giving way too many scum reads unless I have a laundry list of them, I don't need those little poopy heads in my brain.
You could give us who is your top town and scum read atleast? ;-;
No. I'm Town and voting you because you are inconsistent af and contradicting yourself and all you can do is OMGUS now. You also tried shading me with the entire Zem vs Mid thing and tried pushing the narrative that I was pushing a narrative when I did no such thing.

So. Have a nice day at the gallows, scum.
No you are voting me because you are scum. You were my scum read early on and you still are.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Yes but my point was that I disliked you advocating for a "Follow the Cop" stratagem when you haven't advocated that for... anyone, that I can remember. Not to mention that "Follow the Cop" is particularly poorly-suited to this setup (or indeed, any setup with alignment-altering abilities).
this is fair.
most of the players do start as town here
follow the cop is only viable when u get a guilty check


No dude... that's a bike...!!
@Flower nothing has changed my mind about midnight.

I would like to point out it is kinda funny that @Fujishiro and was it you @Ekkologix suggesting that both scum teams might be in the game even after it was pointed out over and over it wasn't very likely, even before the host confirmed to me it wasn't the case.

@Kagura I doubt I will be giving way too many scum reads unless I have a laundry list of them, I don't need those little poopy heads in my brain.
thinking about it, the only way this is possible is if unseen become a maf faction and cannot cult, while cult remains
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