Who has the best Onigashima PU?

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I'm convinced that Drake intends to get his hands on something specific in Wano than just hightailing out of there, now that his role as a spy is out in the open.

I think he would have only prioritized on escaping the situation and going back to the marines if his role as infiltrator was limited to
reconnaissance. But he makes it clear in the above panel and afterwards that his goals align with that of the alliance's for now i.e Kaido's defeat, which potentially would make it easier for him to do his own thing inside mainland Wano.

It's anyone's guess what he could be seeking here, but one thing's certain that odds off getting what he wanted was improbable with the beast pirates' presence.

Again, if his role was restricted to reconnaissance, he would have blatantly refused Apoo's proposal. Now, he is seemingly contemplating a temporary alliance with him since he knows this could as a great deterrent for any residual forces trying to interfere with his goals after all's said and done.

What's even more interesting is that I don't see his role being over here without facing off against the CP0/WG at least once. For all we know, WG's decision on imposing forceful jurisdiction of Wano could also involve getting a hold on the poneglyphs AND what Drake seeks here.

With the alliance's forces bruised and battered by the end, I wouldn't be surprised by more sword forces coming in to stop the WG in in its tracks. Some really interesting possibilities with Drake going forward despite the disappointment with him as a combatant.
All Law accomplished with his awakening abilities was to make Big Mom burp :mihugh:

A drug that their awakening doesn't even come close to the hype that Doffy and Katakuri created with their own.
What? You can Imagine Giants Marine ships going to a guy who is Core to Magnetism?.
You can imagine a solid Punch pass through somebody's body like Magma from Akainu and made a sgock wave from inside like Sengoku's Budda Attack?
Kaido was serious face when he looked the asura while yamato he was smile,
Kaido smiled in two panels during his fight against Yamato 1 when he blocked her attack and on the next page in one panel when he landed an attack. Note they used the same type of attack which could highly be the reason cuz his Yamato is copying Kaido’s style. Furthermore, Kaido showed a bloodlust face against Yamato when pummeling her with attacks that he never showed to any of the WG members including Zoro. Lastly Kaido was smiling as well while fighting the WG members so it wasn’t something only he did to her.
His attacks were doing more damage because of all the fighting Kaido had already been through. It's not like that one move allowed everyone to harm Kaido. Kaido hasn't gotten his ass handed to him by anyone yet, not be Luffy, Zoro or Wamato.
Kaido receiving attacks that cause superficial damage, internal or external, didn't weaken his body to the point it allowed Zoro could scar him. That's not how it works.

The Scabbards combination attack couldn't even open up a old scar. That tells us it's easier to open up an old scar than create a new one. I also tells us all the attacks he received prior to being scarred by Zoro didn't allow Zoro to scar him. Even now with Kaido starting to weaken his body's durability and toughness remains the same.
Sure but then again I think Zoro has already surpassed Big Mom.
What do you think? How far can Zoro push her?
if I'm being honest, I still don't think Zoro is that much stronger than Kid. He obviously has much better feats on the rooftop, but a lot of that just has to do with the fact that zoro had ACoA , which automatically gives you an advantage against kaido and big mom. We saw that first hand when kinemon did more damage to kaido than G4 Luffy.

I'd say he probably pushes her to mid or high diff(if we're being generous).
Why bother arguing with people on level 1000000 copium . They can't fanthom the fact that zoro is stuck with king. They thought zoro was gonna go beat kaido . Its a defensive mechanism to move away from reality.
King is nothing but a stepping stone before he returns to kill Kaido. Kaido still hasn't met a strong samurai and the manga hinted way back in Punk Hazard Zoro would kill a dragon above the capital of Wano.
Right now? Zoro pushes her to an early grave.
Okay I am glad Zoro > Big Mom is slowly becoming a thing. We need to get past Yonko wank and look at it objectively and Big Mom is looking inferior to Zoro in every stat besides durability and her durability is bornder line useless against Zoro.

-Zoro's Attack Power is far greater than Big Mom's
-Zoro is so much faster than Big Mom that she won't even be able to see him if Zoro is in Ashura
-Zoro has much greater lethality
-Zoro has just as much of range
-Prometheus is basically useless
-Ashura can potentially one shot K.O her.
Again nerfed Zoro did Kaido in while he was in hybrid. Big Mom is much less durable and much easier to hit and Zoro would be much stronger.
How does she win against Ashura?
Asura is Zoro's final resort, he's not going to use it unless he's in dire condition. So I think the whole "nerfed zoro" talking point is a bit fallacious. Zoro will always use asura when he's pushed to his limits.
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