Not an awful chapter.
Inbi, Fuga, and Zanki seem to be more intelligent compared to the other numbers we've seen, but this is just speculation.
So, Apoo is the one that suggested the alliance in the first place, but they both recognize that the other person can't be trusted. As for Drake, he'll probably continue to stay on Luffy's side since Koby sold him on Luffy being a miracle worker and will instead pretend to ally with Apoo before likely backstabbing him. However, Apoo is clearly planning something as well.
I'm curious to see what Ussop plans to do; will he finally get his moment to shine? Also, Kin'emon still being alive is not surprising since people don't die too often here, but how Oda implemented this save is ridiculous.
I hope Kanjuro stays down for good this time, but I can also see Kin'emon and him exchanging words here.
Law being the first person we've seen to damage Big Mom is pretty exciting, I'll admit. "Kroom" and "Anesthesia" both look interesting, but we don't know the extent of the damage it's done inside her just yet. Aside from the magnetism that "Assign" seems to give targets, I'll wait for more clarification on its scope because we can't tell how strong it is in terms of damage yet.
I'll wait regarding Big Mom because it seems both Kid and Law will need more to lay her out.
Oda seems to be indicating that Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji's fights are the main attractions of the finale (shocker) and that we'll be following those battles next(?).
I'm excited about what's to come.