Best cuisine?

Best Cousine

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wouldn't say the best but Japanese cuisine would definitely appeal to the palette of most of the world since it's pretty balanced in taste (not too salty, sweet, sour, etc) outside of fermented stuff like natto, umeboshi and miso. There's also a reason why Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world (also legit shocked to see my country of origin in Vietnam even higher up)
wouldn't say the best but Japanese cuisine would definitely appeal to the palette of most of the world since it's pretty balanced in taste (not too salty, sweet, sour, etc) outside of fermented stuff like natto, umeboshi and miso. There's also a reason why Japan has one of the lowest obesity rates in the world (also legit shocked to see my country of origin in Vietnam even higher up)
I thought you were black
Italian and japanese are my favourite ones.
I've tried different cultures' cooking actually, in my travels, but I found the italian and the japanese as the most complete ones.
Korean food for me is too spicy and too based on soups.
Spanish food Is not so bad, I truly like paella and also churros, but the rest wasn't that amazing and too based on stuff like ham Imho, and even the sea food for me isn't as good as the japanese and the italian one.
French one is not bad, but as an italian myself I'd say I am a little biased probably.
Chinese food has good stuff like baozi and different ways of doing vegetables, but It doesn't have that much cold dishes and desserts.
Japanese's one Is amazing, I love sea food and they really valorize It with good sauces without covering the taste of salmon, tuna etc.
It also has stuff like tempura, ramen and soba.
Japanese desserts are also so yummy, have u ever tried the fluffy pancakes in the japanese way? Oh, I also love rice cooked in the japanese way lmao.
About italian one, well, It Is a simple cuicine but really based on strong flavors and long preparations.
Tagliatelle al ragù, tortellini col brodo, pasta e fagioli (beans) and so on are the best things you can get as a first dish, pasta Is famous for a reason.
I don't even to talk about pizza and desserts like tiramisù are the best things you can get at the end of a lunch or a dinner.
Also, italian snacks are the best, try San Carlo chips if you can, they're on a whole different level.

Gorosei Informer

Did anyone ever try Japanese at a restaurant?
I've eaten at a Japanese resturant a couple of times, its a very nice experience tbh! One time I ended up with a massive platter of sushi by accident and I don't even like sushi! I love teppanyaki where they cook it in front of you too:

Japanese people can be really nice, attentive, friendly etc which adds to the experience too ofc. There's another Japanese restaurant I wanna visit that's a bit of distance away from me too. A bit more of a fancier and extremely well decorated, beautiful one.


Zoro Worshipper
I've eaten at a Japanese resturant a couple of times, its a very nice experience tbh! One time I ended up with a massive platter of sushi by accident and I don't even like sushi! I love teppanyaki where they cook it in front of you too:

Japanese people can be really nice, attentive, friendly etc which adds to the experience too ofc. There's another Japanese restaurant I wanna visit that's a bit of distance away from me too. A bit more of a fancier and extremely well decorated, beautiful one.
I want to eat some now :cheers: