The Prince has no way to verify that at all though, there's no previous actions or anything to go off on, nothing to show why, just again trusting someone at their word.
Being jailed and claiming to the jailor what you are doesn't give you a free pass. Seriously what is with you and Ekko being so trusting on everything?
Also you know I have a reason to not trust you at your word at all, youve pulled shit like this before, I'm not saying your scum, I'm just saying I don't trust what you;re saying, either because you're lying, you were lied to and results were skewered or other things. Results can be messed with which could hinder how you verify things. 2 could be scum and get a townie on their side.
Knowing people have pulled this before and not trusting their world is generally how you play the game right, question things?
After all, game is called throne of lies.