No i wasn't worried about your tone, xD I just really needed you to understand where I was coming from and why I am so against it.
I am aware of that, and you must know it. Then you must ask yourself why I still wanted her to talk to me.
Anyways it doesnt matter now, ill just accept the vouches and move on.
Though I still want Kagu to explain how she thinks Enryu is lying about targetting her and how she's sure he made her bleed.
I didnt like her opening post today.
I am not worried about those who voted him but more those who went guilty or those who avoided voting at all.
Me - Innocent
Ultra - Guilty
Ratchet - Innocent
Zoro - Guilty
Flower - Guilty
Ali - Innocent
Ryu - Innocent
Fuji - Guilty
Ripped - Innocent
Play - Innocent
Kawaii - Innocent
Midnight -Innocent
Then everyone else didn't vote.
Only Usopp abstained if I recall.
And honestly I would look into those that hammered the votes too as well as those that voted inno too after it became obvious he was going to be exonerated.
Since Im
town, and I
town lean on Flower Ill remove us from there. Leaving Ultra and Zoro, but imo those two I dont see as a team based on their interraction, so imo if there is scum then they voted Inno or abstained and not the other way around as I dont see lone scum Zoro ( who's claim I somewhat beleive for now) voting differently from his mates.
Now the Innos:
Ripped apparently claimed something to the Prince which confirms him.
Midnight-Thought he was Paladin but is apparently the 2nd claimed Princess.
Playa- I was just about to iso this guy, he was also among the people that hammered the lynch.
Ryu- bad vibes from him.
You-claimed investigator
Ratchet-Not sure what he is, and funnily enough Ekko said not to trust him fully, @Ratchet mind telling me why your partner in whispers doesnt fully trust you?
Ekko- Abstained and gave an activity excuse of being in a meeting or something, but do soft lean town on him.
Kawaii- 50/50 scum or town King but she said she protected you and ill believe that for now.
This color- Neutral feeling
This color-Slight town lean
This color- Town read
This color- Slight scum lean
This color- Scum read
So I would like to start with Playa for now,
Already voted him.
Vote Lynch Playa