Sensing intent has everything to do with coO

Zoro didnt save kiku because he knew she was a capable man. This was even further shown in the anime.

Luffy sensed that kat was eating. But whatever on that one.

Again zoro sensed that drake was hinting info because he sense his intent. Which is an ability of coO
Zoro didn't save Kiku because he didn't want to cut "naked" man......

He didn't sense any intent...he just put logical rhetoric against Drake.....
Nah its just that when you deal with women for so long you tend to pick up naturally when someone isn't one. It's something Simps would never understand hence why sanji was in his dilema
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Getting tricked should not happen if you can sense intent which observation haki allows one to sense
Kiku was behaving strangely before that and Zoro just notice this,
CoO has nothing to do with that
Zoro didn't save Kiku because he didn't want to cut "naked" man......

He didn't sense any intent...he just put logical rhetoric against Drake.....
1. Again bs since they came in contact with men thay weren't naked that were trying to attack kiku and he still refused to help her which forced her to reveal that was she was hiding the fact that she was a man and that she was strong. None of those things caught zoro of guard when she revealed it.

2.he literally tells him that he seems to he good but that he can sense that he is hiding info from them.

3. Let me through in a bonus coO feat he was also able to sense that it was the magistrate that was the actually killer because he sense his killing intent lol.

Kiku was behaving strangely before that and Zoro just notice this,
CoO has nothing to do with that
Cap since when she revealed that she was a man and was strong zoro wasn't even fazed. Infact when she was attacked by samurai that were wearing clothes In layer chapters he still didnt help her. He refused in helping period. Hell even luffy was telling zoro to help her which he refused to do
it doesn't matter...that has nothing to do with conclusion you told.....Zoro never did sense that Kiku was a are making up things......manga >>your head canon...
Bullshitter when she revealed he was man zoro was not phased.

He didnt help her when samurais that's weren't naked attacked and refused to help her even when luffy asked him to do so. All of what I stated is using observation haki. Since observation haki has something to do with being observant