What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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1. Germa genes coming to the surface.

2. Lunarian race genes coming to the surface.

If the raid suit was still being user or needed then sanji would have needed 3 types of powerups to fsce a yonko commander since so far he is already using 2
He's used one. which is potentially the exoskeleton. We don't know. He's only had one powerup that he's used this fight. Doesn't matter tho he was dogging queen before the exo skeleton
Oda is genius he knows if Sanji take the Rs he would be unstopable, its like Captain america wearing batman suit or Irion man suit, thats too much.
Unstoppable ? That suit is useless vs High tiers and above that can bypass durability ( AdCoA users , Ryou Swordsman , Awakened Dfs , ADcOC , Candy Jackets/Bullets , BoAT users, Sound wave sychtes)
Yip and then got caught proving the need of the exoskeleton
I mean put zoro there and he's just as fucked up. I don't view it as needed. Queen himself said that sanji was careless. That's how queen got him. If sanji wasn't wrestling with his mind right now then queen wouldve never caught him.

Sanji outspeeds queen with ease in base. Have this battle without internal conflict and I'm sure it'd have gone a bit different.


Bald Spoiler Provider
More info on Sanji attacking the Women based on 106.101 translation

-Sanji didn't attack the woman, but when she saw the woman who seemed to have collapsed due to her own attack, she was confused.

The woman collapsed due to Sanji exoskeletion skin and hurt herself attacking Sanji

This is why during black maria battle oda had sanji say he didn't use CoA haki so he doesn't hurt black maria

it was a foreshadow
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