What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Glorious sight.

We get to see the wings of the pirate king in the colour spread... oh wait I forgot Zoro was vice captain
Gotta give zoro something to make him special. I mean year of sanji and the greatest character development ever and then still gets boosted to future WSS tier while destroying one of his own powerups.

Must suck to be the shittier of the two wings of the PK.
Do we know for sure that the CP0 approaching Robin is the Masked Trio instead of Lucci, Kaku, Stussy trio?

I think it would be hype if the ones approaching Robin are Lucci trio. Only for them to be confronted by Brook, Jinbe, and Yamao trio.
Lucci and his gang vs 3 new Straw Hats that weren't there yet during Ennies Lobby arc.
Lucci vs Jinbe, physical brute vs physical brute
Kaku vs Brook, agile tall man vs agile tall man
Stussy vs Yamao, woman vs woman
Kuzan isn't a crew member

Bb has mirrored wbs crew with division commanders with shiryu being his oden in charge of the second division
He isn’t a crew member, but he’s clearly an ally (kinda like Apoo). But even in comparison to other emperor allies Kuzan seems to have way more autonomy which again plays into the dynamic.
As if Diable jambe Imbued attacks ever worked on any Top Tier in the new world,Luffy was fine taking them without haki lol *smh
Lmao sanji cracked luffys skull. The only person in the series to break any part of luffys skeleton. And sanji who's attacks are emotion based wasn't even going all out😂😂😂

Queen was spitting up blood and had his stomach burnt earlier. Seems to be working. I sure wish sanji wouldve used hell memories on doffy or vergo😅

The hate is palpable. I love it.
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