What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Fans: Sanji should destroy the raid suit, I hate him
Also fans: I hate Sanji for destroying the raid suit
Sanji can never get a break…

I bet they are the same fans too!

I was one who wanted him to keep it, but the plot is drifting to him losing his emotions… so destroying it is a nacassity at this point storywise…
No I was one of the supporters of the raid suit even before it was revealed he had it, I love Sanji and don’t want him to fall far off from Zoro, if he can keep up without it I’m fine but it doesn’t look like that will be the case and if he doesn’t get a power up that makes him YC1 level then that’s shit writing plus what was the point of Oda giving Sanji the raidsuit in the first place if he was bound to lose it eventually? I don’t get it
No I was one of the supporters of the raid suit even before it was revealed he had it, I love Sanji and don’t want him to fall far off from Zoro, if he can keep up without it I’m fine but it doesn’t look like that will be the case and if he doesn’t get a power up that makes him YC1 level then that’s shit writing plus what was the point of Oda giving Sanji the raidsuit in the first place if he was bound to lose it eventually? I don’t get it
Sanji hasnt been keeping up with Zoro or Luffy since the start of the story.
No, he doesn't need Asura to damage BM or Kaido. Even Flying Dragon Blaze had her shitting her pants. His high-end moves like SS, ISDS would fuck her up. She's nowhere near as durable as Kaido. At least, there was no implication suggesting she's nearly as durable.
Kaido spit more blood from injection shot than Big Mom did for Law's awakened move
Counter shock did almost no damage to Big Mom whereas Kaido was spitting blood from injection shot
Yet Big Mom is nowhere as durable as Kaido
And if you think his awakend move is far weaker than injection shot , just say so cuz I don't want waste my time arguing over it
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