What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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That was a pretty good read man, congrats.
Will you do it for the others SH?
Once you understand Zoro's Fight, the rest don't need such long explanation
Just like Magellan = Combination of Hyouzou + Pica + King

Post-Raid Villain = Combination of Three Villains
Since Wano should be followed by a Short Arc before Major One (Final Arc)
Then this Villain should be similar to Villains of Past Three Short Arcs, they are:

1. Return to Sabaody which was Preparation for Fishmen Island Arc ---> Strongest Villain was Sentomaru
2. Punk Hazard which was Preparation for Dressrosa Arc ---> Strongest Villain was Vergo
3. Zou Arc which was Preparation for Wano Arc ---> Strongest Villain was Jack

Do u know what's common between them? Defense !!!
Sentomaru is Hyped for his Sumo Barrier Defense, Vergo is Hyped for his Iron Body & Jack is Hyped for his Stamina/Endurance

So Next Major Villain is Combination of these Three & conveniently there is a Character who matches this Perfectly.
It's "Bartholomew Kuma", who have Iron Body (Should have been turned into Best Vegapunk's Cyborg), have Highest Stamina (Defended Sunny for 2 Years) & have Sumo Fighting Style combined with Best Defense (His Paws DF)

This also explains why Zoro is gonna face Magellan! cuz there is a High Chance, he will be sent there by Kuma who arrives to capture SHs (This mirrors Pre-TS, where Kuma told Zoro i'm gonna show you Hell & then we had Nothing Happened Famous Scene, this time it's opposite because Pre-TS mirrors Post-TS, so Kuma this time will instead find Zoro in a Condition similar to 'Nothing Happened" Moment, which is after the Minks Drug kicks in & Kuma will then show him Hell by literally sending him there, which is Impel Down !!!)

Kuma Fight is gonna be against All SHs (Except Luffy, who just like he didn't Meet Sentomaru, Vergo & Jack, he won't meet Kuma, and also except Zoro, not sure about Sanji & Jinbe though). This Fight will mirror Pacifista Fight Pre-TS which was the Arc before Summit War Saga, to mirror Fight before Final War Arc.

Kuma won't be alone ofc, he will be accompanied by a Coward Villain (Similar to Demaro, Caesar & Sheepshead) who is obviously either a Celestial Dragon or Spandine (Spandam's Father or another CP-0 Non-Fighter Leader) ... etc

Since SHs are gonna Defeat Magellan & Kuma before Final War Arc, where Zoro fights Magellan & SHs fight Kuma, who will Sanji Fight? Well, answer is simply, it's "Rob Lucci" !!

As you see, World Government are Final Villains are they have Three Powers ---> CP-0 - Impel Down & Marines
So it's fitting that SHs before they face Im-Sama & Admirals, they first Defeat Strongest Soldiers from these Three Groups
And they are Magellan who is King of Hell, Lucci who is Strongest Agent & Kuma who is Marine's Science Division Greatest Cyborg

Magellan represents Demon of WG, Lucci represents Shield of WG & Kuma + Pacifista represent Weapon of WG (Maybe SSG)
So Two Wings of Luffy + Rest of his Crew are gonna Defeat this Trio

Since Rob Lucci is already present in Wano alongside WG Ships & CP-0 + Vegapunk is mentioned a lot & Queen recently said he is Cyborg that Vegapunk can't make better. It's pretty obvious that Post-Act 3, we will have SHs vs WG Creations with Vegapunk being present at the center of this Arc/Act.
Do you think that turning a sword black is more of a ratio (the quantity of Haki needed, which would explain enma being used) thing or the repeated use of Haki on a sword? If its the later, you think there's armour, staffs and guns that have been turned black? 👀
I never thought about making other kind of gear black... But I can't see why it wouldn't be possible. Also it just seems crazy that zoro would turn it black so soon while Oden (who was stronger/stronger haki) never could
Luffy strongest mouv ?
Kaido strongest mouv ?
Big mom strongest mouv ?
Kid strongest mouv ?
Law strongest mouv ?
Zoro greatest mouv= ashura

Asura so much overrated is just a paper cut
Scarring a character with an invincible body and cutting through their body to cause internal damage (spitting up blood) equal to a paper cut?

People still but hurt because nobody in the war can surpassed Zoro's Dead Man Game while performed in a weaken state.
Remember the fools who laughed at Sanji for using the Raid Suit.

He never even used it once in combat in the Raid:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Only suit Sanji will wear to fights…..is a Double Breasted one:steef::steef::steef::steef:

Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
Well, i will mention Zoro Fight for now: (Please read everything)

Zoro's Animal Theme is Tiger, however that isn't Accurate
Zoro to be Exact is associated with Four Beings ---> Shark - Tiger - Dragon & finally Demon
First Three represent Sea - Land - Sky while Demon represent the Whole Three
This is clearly demonstrated by Zoro's Asura where Zoro becomes Three Persons in One, & also him being a Santoryu User

Zoro's entire Journey is about reaching this Demon Level & he must do that by Surpassing the other Three
For now, his Asura is not Fully Mastered & he once he does so, it won't show as Three Persons, but he will appear as Singular but with Asura AP & Stats


Post-TS, there were Three Major Arcs (For Zoro, so WCI doesn't count), they are: Fishmen Island, Dressrosa & Wano
The Rest were just Tie-Ins to these Major Three Arcs. Fishmen Island represents Water Island, Dressrosa represents Earth Island & Onigashima Raid represent Sky Island

Remember Zoro's Animals i just mentioned?
Well, Zoro fought Hody in Fishmen Island who represent Great White Shark, he also fought Fujitora in Dressrosa who represent Tiger & also fought Kaido who represent Dragon, however they were all Short Fights. His real Victories were against their Allies:

Hyouzou ---> Fishmen Island Swordsman ---> Represents Water Blade User
Pica ---> Dressrosa Golem ---> Represents Earth/Land Blade User
King ---> Onigashima Bird ---> Represents Sky Blade User


So Zoro's Fights are following his Animal Themes & Three Planes of Land, Sea & Air.
This kind of Treatment also happened Pre-TS, where Zoro fought Hatchan, Mr. 1 & Ohm (Who represent Water, Land & Sky)
After these, it was Enies Lobby Fight, who was his opponent? It was Kaku?

Do you know what's interesting about Kaku? He is Combination of all Three
Hatchan Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "More Swords"
Mr. 1 Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "Hard to Cut Body"
Ohm Fight was about Fighting an Opponent with "Higher Range"

Kaku Fight was literally Combination of these Three Challenges, he was Four-Sword Style User + He kept Switching between Tekkai & Normal Mode to make Zoro's BOAT not work & he kept damaging Zoro with Ranged Attacks (He is Rankyaku Specialist), and conveniently, it was the Fight where Zoro unlocked Asura which as i said before, represents Zoro's Trion Spirit

This is also why Zoro is associated with the Cross & Jesus References, he was Found on a Cross, the Two Shichibukai who Defeated him (Mihawk & Kuma) had Cross & Bible respectively, when he fell on Mihawk's Island, he found Giant Cross, after Roof Battle he was bandaged in Cross Form & while he was like that, the Shogi Table showed Alliance in Cross Shape.
That's because Zoro just like Christianity represents a Trion Spirited Individual, but in this case it's about Water/Shark, Land/Tiger, Sky/Dragon which combine to create a Demon.

Also this explains why when Oda was asked to give DFs to rest of SHs, he said Zoro would have Kaido's DF, but Oda prefers to give it to One of his Swords, cuz as i said Zoro = Demon & his Santoryu = Three Strongest Animals/Three Realms


So based on this, after King & before Final War (In other words, before Zoro is Finally Prepared to free the World with Luffy)
There are still Two Fights for him to Fully Master his Willpower (Btw, after Mihawk Defeated Zoro, he didn't tell him Train or improve your Swordsmanship to Surpass Me, he told him to Master his Will !!! Cuz Mihawk saw Zoro's Trion Spirit which is an Overwhelming Form of CoC & knew that this is the Man who if he masters his CoC, can be the Fight he dreams of)

These Two Fights are:
Someone who represents Sea, Land & Sky & by Slaying him, it means Zoro has completed First Part of his Journey, which is Conquering Animal Kingdom (This is also why Zoro have Attacks named after more than a Dozen Animal)

Conveniently there is a Guy who not only is known as Strongest in Sea, Land & Sky, not only he is Fish + Man + Dragon, not only he is a Demon/Oni, not only he is Leader of Animal Kingdom/Beasts Pirates, but he is actually not far from Zoro currently & Half OP Fandom have already stated Dozens of Reasons why Zoro will Kill him. It's obviously "Kaido"


As for the Second Fight, it's someone who is Combination of Hyouzou, Pica & King
Someone who also represent Demon + Sea/Land/Sky Creatures
The reason this Fight exist even though Zoro is gonna Slay Kaido is for same reason Zoro clashed with Hody & Fujitora
It's cuz the First Fight wasn't Fully Fair or against the Opponent in his Strongest Form, while Second One is Fair Fight

Zoro Defeating Hody, Clashing with Fuji & Slaying Kaido aren't Fully Fair Fights & not against them in All Out Mode
But Hyouzou, Pica & King are Fair 1 v 1 Fights where Zoro proves his Superiority at the end

Just like Kaku had Advantages of Hatchan + Mr. 1 + Ohm
This Character also have Advantages of these Characters:

1. Hyouzou Fight was very Short, but what stands out about him was Using "Poison"
2. Pica Fight wasn't Short but it was Long, because Pica was "Hiding behind Stone"
3. King Fight seem to be Difficult, and what's challenging about it is "Versatility & Brutal Aggression"

Do you know who is Character who uses Poison + Untouchable due to Hiding behind something + is Versatile & Very Brutal like King??
Someone who represents a Demon? Someone who is King of Hell/Devils just like Kaido is King of Beasts, so Zoro must Surpass him?
It's none other than "Magellan" !!!

And guess what? Magellan have Four Major Techniques:
Hydra ---> Which Translates to Poison "Dragon"
Doku Fugu ---> Which Translates to Poison Blow"Fish"
Doku Gumo ---> Which Translates to Poison "Spider"

All three representing Sky, Sea & Land
And finally Magellan's Ultimate Technique which is Venom "Demon" (Jigoku No Shinpan)
He is literally made to Fight Zoro


Other two Fights are Equally Exciting !!!
This was a great read, would be awesome if it happened
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