how many scum do we expect here? 4?
we already have 2 indies, in a 20 player game
so 14-4-2?
looks about okay-ish
we lost 3 townies and 1 janitored player, likely a townie
so 10-4-2 is where we at rn
out of those 10, im town, and town read lanji, melkor, prof, MAYBE odd, and enryu?
soft town reads on sallu and tris/conq
nullish on kagura (could be anything. tone seems towny but content have some scumminess in it and possible slip) and hayumi (lack of activity and playing ignorant is often a scum indicative behavior in my book)
for scum, id put dest/ali are top priority. I have seen nothing from dest but weak push on ali that he never bothered diving deep into, and on the other side i see no reaction to it from ali, like its clearly going nowhere. neither is dest making an actual case nor is ali approaching the vote on him. none of them is rly interacting with the other. there is for sure a scum in this pair.
another scum is possibly tpein. i think the PR is made so it looks like someone is framing him. He even commented on that the other day saying its probably to frame him or smth like that. it pinged me a bit while reading it and honestly his full coast gameplay and throwing shade toward flower is a typical scum tpein move
lastly is tuna who was eager to cast votes on different players, which isnt so alignment indicative for him but last game he seemed to tunnel more and was town. here he is using food/pinapple pizza as a driving factor for his vote and is willingly engaging in fluff talk but not in actual game solving topics
odd is another person guilty of the same things tuna is. i like some of their posts because it seems he want to solve the game...keyword, "seems", because he's rly not solved anything yet other than repeat the obvious info, something kagura does as well alot this game. ask for summaries, rephrase them, then go off and repeat. hardly any original input.