Spoiler One Piece Chapter 969 Spoilers Discussion

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The old woman with the Mane Mane no mi was probably the one who had the idea of keeping Hyogoro's family as hostages just in case Oden returned to blackmail him into submission given how manipulative and competent she was. Orochi has clearly lost his greatest and most efficient subordinate with her death.
No one can tell me that these Navy soldiers are just fodders, they come out nowhere and easily defeat someone as Gotti who isn´t weak, he get negged. I call it here, these guys are new cyborgs and the new weapon of the Navy who replace the Shichibukai, don´t be surprise if even Capone having very hard time against these guys.
So they are basically clones of the Shichibukai? That's sick man.
If that comes out to be true, I'm not surprised anymore why they abandoned the Shichibukai system. Imagine five guys as strong as Doflamingo? :believe:
I dont know why people are trying to explain stupidly broken magical ability with logic...

And Kizaru's laser are fast as light and yet humans dodge them. Real life logic and physical laws dont apply everywhere in One Piece...

How do you know he isnt safe from gravity inside barrier bubble? How can gravity move it when Kings punch didnt? You dont know.
Dude the sole reason BARTO is able to rise his hands to do that posture is Gravity...
No one can tell me that these Navy soldiers are just fodders, they come out nowhere and easily defeat someone as Gotti who isn´t weak, he get negged. I call it here, these guys are new cyborgs and the new weapon of the Navy who replace the Shichibukai, don´t be surprise if even Capone having very hard time against these guys.
To be honnest I have always seen Gotti as someone who was far more proficient with a bazooka and a gatling gun than in CQC. He never looked that powerful to me. The Firetanks are not great physical fighters after all, they greatly rely on their weapons numbers, Bege's df to protect and hide them and the element of surprise.
Dude, this is fiction. Oda made Akainu burn Ace because "magma is hotter than fire", which is straight up bs in general.
Oda can do whatever he wants and he DOES whatever he wants.

Since funnily enough I'm a physicist with and work at a university, I will always help educating you if you have any questions about real life physics btw.
my questions are solved pal.

But ty anyways.
To be honnest I have always seen Gotti as someone who was far more proficient with a bazooka and a gatling gun than in CQC. He never looked that powerful to me. The Firetanks are not great physical fighters after all, they greatly rely on their weapons numbers, Bege's df to protect and hide them and the element of surprise.
Gotti did use a sword to make a circle out of that door homie
No one can tell me that these Navy soldiers are just fodders, they come out nowhere and easily defeat someone as Gotti who isn´t weak, he get negged. I call it here, these guys are new cyborgs and the new weapon of the Navy who replace the Shichibukai, don´t be surprise if even Capone having very hard time against these guys.
I would love for that to happen! they could also probably be rising stars in the marines, pretty much the supernova's equivalent:cheers:


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And the Grandmaster finally unleashing all his dormant power
Yes the grandmaster and his fellow Big Mom (There's no reason for her to be here if not to tire Kaido a little srsly can't believe people think Luffy can currently take on Kaido when he is fresh and full HP.....BM is the only living thing in Wano who can deal with him from the start)
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