When man's heart is full of deciet...
It burns up, dies...
And a dark shadows falls over his soul...
From the ashes of a once great man, has risen a curse...
A wrong that must be righted...
We look to the skies for a vindicator, someone to strike fear into the black hearts
of the sane man who created him... The battle between good, and evil has begun...
Against an army of shadows, lies the dark warrior...
The prevailer of good...
With a voice of silence...
And a mission of justice...
This is Sting.
Why do people draw dicks on random places such as walls, chairs, tables etc?
Serious question
Sometimes you have nothing to do and you draw dicks
a guy from my class drew a very very very detailed picture of a dick and the teacher saw it and took it from him. After that my teacher sent this picture to his mother with a letter.

The morale of this story is: never draw a dick during your physics lesson


Zoro Worshipper
When man's heart is full of deciet...
It burns up, dies...
And a dark shadows falls over his soul...
From the ashes of a once great man, has risen a curse...
A wrong that must be righted...
We look to the skies for a vindicator, someone to strike fear into the black hearts
of the sane man who created him... The battle between good, and evil has begun...
Against an army of shadows, lies the dark warrior...
The prevailer of good...
With a voice of silence...
And a mission of justice...
This is Sting.
Sometimes you have nothing to do and you draw dicks
a guy from my class drew a very very very detailed picture of a dick and the teacher saw it and took it from him. After that my teacher sent this picture to his mother with a letter.
Did he at least get a better grade in art class? Whats wrong about detailed drawings?
Heck we were made to draw naked Greek statues in art class
Why are such skills not valued? When you draw in class you're seen as an unruly student with low intelligence and no discipline. God I despise the school system
School took art and made it boring. I hated my art lessons because there was so much theory and 10% drawing. Philosophy and Art are not valued, it begins in school where math etc. have a bigger importance and impact.
I just say "main subjects" and "side subjects"โ€ฆ