[FNZ] Role Madness Alabasta Arc (Smoker and Mafia victory)

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seemed pretty hostile to make town actions fail and mess with it
but guess it affected mafia too so ya

probabaly affects town more just by ratio
You could classify any role with a negative ability as hostile with that logic. I only classify the SK and Cult as hostile indies since they needed to defeat the main factions to win the game. The Covid role wasn't that.

Also, slight mistake on the number of indies. There were 6(7 if you wanna count the Mandalorian but that was more of a secondary role) and 2 hostile indies. Sukuna was the SK.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Couldn‘t have controlled me anyway. My Guren was so hax :blush:. And just like in canon, he had insane tenacity, but sucked at killing.
I loved my Thor role tbh, but wish I kept my Vergo one.

Would've superkilled Usopp and Queen way earlier if not for FB killing the IC Vergo.
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