General & Others We have to stop saying that Kid and Law are Luffy's Shiki and Whitebeard

In reality, he has no connection or true parallel to say that Kid and Law will be Whitebeard and Shiki de Luffy. Luffy and Roger absolutely yes, in each arc there are links, common things.

Moreover Law and Kid seem very, very far from Luffy's level.

Luffy is really a lot stronger and a lot more. It's just our desires as fans who want it, but Luffy will never have real rivals like Roger had.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Yeah, we HAVE to stop saying it!! Jeez, you can’t even post a low effort meme around here without someone responding (regardless of context) “KID AND LAW ARE LUFFY’S SHIKI AND WHITEBEARD” exactly as I just wrote it!! I’ve even begun shouting it at random strangers offline, and boy, are they even MORE confused!! :josad::kriwhat:
we literally just had Big Mom put Kid and Law on Luffy's pedestal lol

anyways Law and Kid are more Oden and Whitebeard. Shiki is barely canon
Like I said before, Kid and Law never had any connection, real parallels with Whitebeard or Shiki. Luffy has a real bond with Roger. Kid and Law have no connection with Whitebeard and Shiki.
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Yeah, we HAVE to stop saying it!! Jeez, you can’t even post a low effort meme around here without someone responding (regardless of context) “KID AND LAW ARE LUFFY’S SHIKI AND WHITEBEARD” exactly as I just wrote it!! I’ve even begun shouting it at random strangers offline, and boy, are they even MORE confused!! :josad::kriwhat:


Zoro Worshipper
Well Kidd got nothing like Whitebeard imo except for CoC.

Also it's clear that the SHs will likely not keep the journey forever but return home at some point, I think Luffy will presumably never have a years lasting "true rival, competitor".
--Kidd does seems to be shiki of this era ; they also have similar types of power and also to some extent attitude

--Kata seems to be luffy's WB with age being the only issue

--Law is very different ; he seems to be ally of luffy than a rival even if he claims so himself
It’s a Naruto-style reading of One Piece that has no basis in reality.

Blackbeard’s an evil Whitebeard who has inherited Rocks will. Luffy is inspired by Shanks and has inherited Roger’s will. That’s the actual connections between characters.

Law and Kid have nothing to do with either Whitebeard or Shiki.
I think that comparing Kid to Shiki is an insult to Kid. I expect EoS Kid to be quite a bit stronger than the bronze medalist known as Shiki
Kidd and Law can't be compared to Whitebeard and Shikki. Their personality are different, their goal are different, their will are different, there is nothing similar among them.
It is not about comparing but more so about there role imo
It should also be about their strength and their crew.
We saw Whitebeard and his crew fighting Roger and his crew for 3 days. Do you think Law and his crew can do the same? What about Kidd?
It would be a matter of minutes before they get stomped tbh.
Fucking Heat ain't going to save the day, most likely the M3 is enough to finish them off.
It should also be about their strength and their crew.
We saw Whitebeard and his crew fighting Roger and his crew for 3 days. Do you think Law and his crew can do the same? What about Kidd?
It would be a matter of minutes before they get stomped tbh.
Fucking Heat ain't going to save the day, most likely the M3 is enough to finish them off.
--Kidd == Shiki

--Kata == WB