Who should Dragoban ban next?

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Zoro can’t beat King a YC1. Zoro is just like Sanji and needs a PU and get help from Oden’s amazing blade.
It doesn't confirm that at all.
If anything this portrays King as another Pica, Zoro needs to uncover his trick and one shot him.
Oda can't even have Yonko much less YC1 truly overpower Zoro without a trick or a buff.

Kaido needed Big Mom and King needs cheap tricks.
How is this unique to just Enma exactly, are we going to disregard Kawamatsu already said this about the swords in Ringo does that make them all magical as well.
Because we’ve seen this effect on no other swords? We’ve had Shusui since thrilled bark and Ryumas will never popped up. We’ve had Wado since before even then and never have Kuinas will been mentioned.


Heavy Metal
Mad I didn't even see that. Just remembered how he used to struggle against Kuina and that whole "women can't be swordsmen". Would explain why king hides he/she/its face
Long ago i had the theory that Kaido offered small island to spare their live and treasures, if they give them their strongest young fighter. I also thought Jack was getting into Kaido crew that way. And when he was at the Dojo, first Kuinas father refused, but she kinda insisted, cause she thought it could be a way to become stronger that way and maybe could be a guardian for the island in the future.

So she joined Kaido. She additionally then got a DF and changed her focus on the DF, cause it made sense for her to get rid of the stigma of a female, so she could get stronger then man by being a beast, not a man or a woman. This is also why she is hiding her face, cause it would reveal her real face and her gender, which isnt part of her personality anymore. She doesnt see herself as a woman, also not as a man. She is "King", without any further declaration.

And i think her becoming a beast will finaly the one weakness she has to offer, so Zoro is able to beat her, because of a weakness of the Zoan DF she is using. And at the end, when Zoro is able to beat King/her, he will be kinda mad. Kuina will fall back in her "woman"-"man"-Theme and declare she couldnt beat the one man she always wanted to beat. "You beat me now Zoro, are you happy?"

Then Zoro throws her sword to her. He looks at her, angry.
"I could have never beaten the swordfighter you are."
Strawhat does carry Roger's will we are literally told that just like sword carries a sword masters will.

Now same straw hat has been worn by Nika and Joy Boy, that's hell of a lot of Haki Luffy is piggy backing on.

On top of that he's also getting sun God Nikas DF another source of external Haki.

And with Enma its confirmed its Zoros Haki despite having will of its own. Same thing with Sandai Kitetsu really.
If that's true no wonder Luffy is going to be the strongest in verse, he has the power of the PK and Sun God in 1
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